Do you know how to change a light bulb?

barry robinson
The Pub
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2023
A hanging light bulb Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

My medium friend Randy Pulley posted a one liner a few weeks ago, and it sparked a memory of something I read some years ago.

The city of Birmingham in the UK had the safety of their citizens at heart.

They intended to produce a DVD telling them how to change a light bulb.

Now many among you will scoff at such an idea, but you must put your sense of outrage aside and consider how valuable this advice could be. I say could be, as I do not know if it was made or released. I am a not a citizen of Birmingham.

So let us speculate how they will advise people how to change a light bulb.

Many people will do it in the traditional way. For ceiling light fittings, they will do it standing on a chair or a stepladder. Making sure that the power is off at the switch, and bingo, job done. Likewise, with a table lamp, same process without the chair or stepladder to stand on, unless, of course, they are extremely tiny.

But there may be people who ignore the basic rules of safety and change their light bulbs in a more perilous way. So, the DVD will probably give out information to educate people and encourage them to avoid dangerous bulb changing procedures.

For instance, they may instruct people not to change ceiling fittings while swinging on the dangling plug. Also, I assume they will advise that it should not be attempted while balancing on a unicycle, or do it blindfold.

As for cutting off the power, I am betting that the switch will be considered inadequate. I believe a call to the local electricity supplier will be advised, asking them to cut power off for the whole neighbour hood.

This will eliminate the possibility of an intruder breaking into the house and switching the power on, thus putting people in danger while they are changing the bulb.

Other information will be provided to explain the different types of changes there are, and to stop people being confused.

For instance, changing a light bulb is not the same as changing a baby’s nappy (diaper, if you must).

Nor is the same as changing a shirt or changing money.

It is also totally unlike changing lanes while driving, and it should never in any circumstances be confused with changing the guard at Buckingham Palace.

If this DVD was made, I wonder if they used background music. I would have been happy to have advised them on this.

They could have used “ I’m changing all those changes.” by Buddy Holly.

Or “Changes” by David Bowie,

These numbers could have been re-recorded by the Electric Light Orchestra, although health and safety would have insisted the Electric be dropped, so it would just be the Light Orchestra.

But I am sure they could easily make the switch.

This is the one liner that inspired this post.

A Dumb Joke — Randy Pulley — Medium

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