Have our cats bonded?

barry robinson
The Pub
Published in
1 min readMar 5, 2023
Fella relaxing

This article has been inspired by Gareth Willey’s love of his cat, George.

I recently wrote a post telling the story of our latest pet cat, Fella, who had to undergo the trauma of being misdiagnosed as a female we called Bella, only to be re-registered as a male.

I also mentioned we already had a cat, a female we call Issy. We call her this because she hisses a lot. She is not a social cat. Issy is eleven years old, we think. We got her from a rescue when she was a kitten. She had been discovered under some decking and the center was not sure exactly how old she was.

We hoped that by introducing a new kitten, Issy would take to her/him and become more sociable.

My medium mentor, Susie Kearley, expressed sympathy for Issy, worrying that she would feel left out.

So, have Fella and Issy bonded?

What do you think?

