Hire Me to Leave Quality Angry Comments on Your Content

Let’s bring fame to your doorstep

Debdutta Pal
The Pub
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2023


Photo by Samuel Jean Butler from Pexels

I usually balance my life pretty well. A night of staying up reading a book is met with an afternoon of self-loathing. And if I ever need to be brought down a peg or two, I consume banal content from those making it big.

Today I needed to offset some boredom and I decided to start a side hustle.

My comments on others’ work get far more engagement than my stories — a fruit of persistent self-doubt, some creativity, and numerous edits. Whereas the former is impulsive and doesn't even get so much as a spell check. This tells me that I am pretty good at writing comments and I should cash in.

Last night I was looking at a Podcast (Vidcast?), wherein a guest went on a tone-deaf rant about their struggles. What surprised me was not the egotism but the comment section which was scrubbed cleaner than a toilet.

It was loaded with saccharine; “You are my inspiration”, and “I love you”.

For what? Overtly faking it?

People of the internet, let me give you one tip as an avid consumer. That’s not how you appear famous. Anyone with half a brain cell can make out that you’re duping them. Real creators get hate comments…

