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Honey, there’s a sexy babe handcuffed to our porch

Sometimes reality can be wilder than your kinkiest dreams.

Published in
13 min readMar 3, 2024


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I was dreaming. I was still in bed, comfortably tucked in, and fast asleep. That was the only sane explanation. Because although this was my house and my backyard, what I saw couldn’t be real.

It was one of those lucid dreams in which you can do what you want. So instead of turning my bike to the driveway of my house, I kept cycling past it, my eyes glued to the barefoot, blindfolded girl wearing only knickers and a skimpy top, handcuffed and chained to the middle column of our porch. Even her mouth was taped. Although it was only a dream, I didn’t want to be part of what was happening there. So I decided to keep cycling down the dirt road until I woke up.

“Hey, hey, good-looking!” my husband yelled after me as he came out of the house. I stopped the bicycle. The rare times Jake showed up in my dreams, he wasn’t anywhere close to his real self. And I was just greeted by the typical Jake.

This definitely wasn’t a dream. But if it wasn’t, then this was bad. Really bad.

I threw my bike on the ground and paced back, past the handcuffed girl, and up to the porch. I looked up at the face of my perfectly calm husband and asked him with a trembling, frightened voice.

“What the fuck is happening here?”

“Nothing. I just brought you something you wanted for a long time.”

I stared at him, silent and serious like a death.

“Don’t worry, kids are at your mom’s house. We are alone.”

I jabbed my finger in her direction. “You call this alone? You are insane! We’re going to end up in prison because of this!” I was whispering but yelling.

Jake just shrugged, evading my stare, cool as a cucumber.

“Who is she?”

“I don’t know.”

“Where did you find her?”

He sighed deeply and looked down at the oak floor boards, like a child who had done something wrong.

“Look, I took our children to your mom’s house.” His gaze wondered all over the place while he was talking, not even once looking me in the eyes. “On the way back, I saw her sitting beside the road wearing what you see now, out of her mind from some drugs. She didn’t even know where she was. I put her in the car and wanted to take her to the hospital. But she tried to suck my cock right then and there. Horny like hell. So, you know, I remembered your fantasy and brought her home. I told her she would get sex if she let me blindfold her and cuff her to the porch. She said yes.”

“Did she agree for her mouth to be taped also?”

“Yes,” he said, lifting his forefinger. “She did. I forgot about that detail. Sorry.”

He sniffled and finally met my gaze, beer in one hand, faking nonchalance.

My face was flushed with embarrassment. I knew some day I would regret telling him about my recurring fantasy. A couple of nights every week, I was having the same sex dream. It was so intense that I would wake up in the middle of the night, panties soaked, breathing hard. I even rubbed myself to orgasm more than once while Jake slept next to me. He didn’t know about that part.

“Jake, where are the keys to her handcuffs? We need to let her go!”

He pretended I didn’t say anything and just continued to talk shit.

“Listen. Last night, I didn’t bring you the present. So there it is now. I hope she will suffice. Enjoy.”

Every time Jake went out with his friends, he would bring me something home. A gift or token of apology for not taking me with him, although he knew I wouldn’t join them. The gifts were meant to be a joke whose sole purpose was to make me laugh.

The gift could be anything. A dead rabbit he had found on the road. A used condom. Some girls high heels or jeans he found in the men’s toilet. And apparently it could be even a sexy, horny, drug-crazed girl.

I wasn’t laughing this time.

“I am going to get myself another beer,” he said. There was a hint of disappointment in his voice while he was walking away. As if he were genuinely hurt by my ungratitude. He couldn’t fool me. It was just an act.

“Yeah, just hide inside while I solve your mess.” He turned back to me with open arms while walking backward.

“There’s no mess, honey. Only in your head. Believe me. Go down to her and see for yourself.”

He closed the door behind himself.

The birds were chirping in the trees. A warm summer breeze rustled through the leaves and caressed my skin. After cycling, I planned on drinking coffee while sitting on the porch and daydreaming. It should have been a perfect, peaceful Sunday morning if it weren’t for that candy chained to my porch, clanking weakly with her handcuffs.

We were alone, but I still looked around nervously. No one ever came to us uninvited. We both made it clear to everyone that coming to our house without a prior call was a big no-no. That also applied to our parents. And our farm was far away from any neighbours. Jake thought about everything, making the whole situation hard to resist.

The itch between my legs was growing, and a fantasy that tortured me for months was in full swing in my head. The pull was irresistible. I knew I would never again have a chance like this.

It would have been a no-brainer if she had been trying to free herself. I would have taken her down and sobered her up. Then I could sit back and relax for the rest of the day. And life would be simple again.

But she just stood there, perfectly content, waiting to get what she was promised.

From where I stood on the porch, I could see her handcuffed hands and the upper part of her body. Her nice, round boobs, the cleavage, her perfect tan. I sighed and went down the stairs. Standing in front of her, I tried to straighten my thoughts. But the more I looked at her, the more my pussy ached and my pulse quickened. Getting this close to her was a big mistake. My heart was beating in my ears, desire erasing all traces of sanity from my mind.

I had in front of me a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do what I fantasized about so much that it followed me even in my dreams. And that scared me shitless.

I looked frantically around one more time. Still no one anywhere. My hand was trembling as I reached between her legs and then stopped only a couple of millimeters from her pussy.

Just do it! Do it!

I told myself that I just wanted to see what would happen. To know how it feels. Then I’ll back away.

Lies. All lies.

I finally mustered enough courage and grabbed her pussy over the knickers. I almost jumped away when she moaned loudly and lifted her head. Her panties were soaked, as if she had peed herself.

Oh fuck, she is so ready! Jake wasn’t lying!

I immediately pushed my hand into her knickers and touched another woman’s pussy for the first time in my life. I gasped as my fingers slid over her swollen clit and the sticky wetness of her cunt. It was much better than in my fantasy. The sounds of rising pleasure coming from her encouraged me to keep exploring.

Look what you have done to me!

The thought was directed to my husband as I pushed two fingers into the buttery stickiness of her fuck hole. Warmth and slippery walls hugged my fingers gently as I circled inside before adding one more finger, then another. She took them all with ease, even pushing her hips towards me in approval.

“Who stretched your cunt so nicely? You yourself? Or someone else? Someone big?” I loved to talk dirty when I was turned on. She nodded fast as I drove all four fingers as deep as I could into her cream-filled cookie.

Her moans didn’t stop since I touched her snatch over the knickers.

I began to pull out when she crossed her legs and gripped my fingers in a tight clench. She had really strong legs.

“You want me to stay inside?” I asked her. She nodded again, breathing hard through her nose.

“All right. But I really would like to try some other things. I think you would like them even more. We can always go back to finger-fucking.” She immediately released my hand.

“Good girl,” I whispered, and in one fell swoop, I pulled her panties down and kneeled in front of her. She had only a little bush above her perfectly shaved pussy. I was panting so hard that she must have felt my warm breath all over her skin. Her apricot-shaped vagina was irresistible. With the tip of my tongue, I licked along her sticky, wet slit and immediately knew there was no going back. Fuck the consequences.

I pressed the entire surface of my tongue against her vagina. She spread her legs, and that told me everything I needed to know. Her pussy gracefully opened, letting me in where my fingers ruled before. I took my time, my mouth and tongue glued to her wet, soft flesh like a slug to the wall. I dove as deep as it was possible, burying my face in hot wetness and losing my mind from the rush of pleasure.

Oh, my God. It’s really happening. I’m really doing it!

I heard Jake coming out of the house, but there was not even a shred of shame in me left. Let him watch as I lick and kiss her snatch. Let him see how much more joy her cunt brings me than his cock. Without stopping what I was doing, I glanced at my husband standing on the porch. He was looking at us like we were something that’s perfectly normal to find in your backyard. He was holding a small glass of whiskey in his hand.

“Your ass looks juicy from this angle.” The words came out of his mouth slightly slower than usual. “Just a little drunk” was my husband’s favorite quote when he was in this state.

“My ass looks perfect from every angle,” I replied, my whole face, including my eyes, wet from our girls cunt. The taste of her snatch on my lips abated the lingering anger I still felt toward Jake.

“Cheers to that fact,” said my husband, taking another sip of his drink. There was not a care in the world for my guy.

I turned my attention back to her. For the first time, I really looked at what was in front of me. She was perfect. At least ten years younger, a hairless body, smooth skin, and totally submissive. There was no doubt she was into everything I did to her. And probably much more.

I put her thighs on my shoulders. Then I grabbed her ass with both hands and pulled her toward me. She opened like a ripe fruit, and I greedily went back into her depths. My tongue and mouth tingled with delight. I couldn’t get enough of her taste and smell. The more she gave me, the more I wanted.

It seems I finally brought home something you like,” said Jake as he came down from the porch. He crouched beside us, watching intently. My tongue tirelessly scooped the cream that her pussy whipped constantly. This perfect little chained sweetness finally mesmerized him too.

Even her asshole was perfect. She was rhythmically squeezing and relaxing it. I watched with fascination what she was doing before I planted my mouth on it and sucked it like a lollipop. She moaned loudly, all restraints gone. Her pussy cream oozed like crazy, gathering on my upper lip before trickling down to my chin.

“I never saw you this turned on,” said Jake.

I looked back at my husband. He had a raging hardon. I had an idea.

“You should fuck her. After all, you did promise that to her.” I had ulterior motives. The idea of licking Jake’s cum out of her fuckhole made my head spin from excitement.

He didn’t respond, but his eyes stayed glued to her body. He needed just a little more push.

“Will you fuck her for me? After all, she belongs to both of us. Fill her. Give her your cum. Please?”

That did the trick. He began to take off his pants. Smiling, I turned back to my girl and her red and swollen pussy. I really molested her properly. I planted my open mouth back on her snatch and sucked on it hard one more time, creating a vacuum and pulling my head back. Then, with a loud plop, I released it. She got a couple more deep, wet kisses from me before I reluctantly moved to the side.

Jake didn’t waste time. The second I gave him space, he started banging her hard. His fat dick pumped her mightily. We didn’t fuck for a week, and it showed. She held her legs wide and up in the air, her six packs tense from exertion. Jake didn’t hold her, so all her weight was on her handcuffed hands. It didn’t bother her at all. I wondered if there was anything she wouldn’t endure for good sex.

It didn’t take Jake long to begin groaning loudly. A couple more thrusts later, he began cumming in her. She whimpered and sighed, her legs still spread wide. He stayed in her little longer, gathering his breath, enjoying the moment. Then he pulled his cock out and sat on the tires placed on the grass. It was time for me to come back.

“What are you doing?” asked Jake as he watched me crawl back to her.

“Don’t mind me, darling. Just let me do this. We can talk about it later.”

I reached her just as cum began to peek out of her pussy. I put my lower lip on her asshole, below her vagina, and waited for his cum, mixed with her sweetness, to slowly flow into my mouth. But I soon lost my patience and just licked and sucked sperm out of her until she was as clean as a new pin.

I lay down on the grass, exhausted but satisfied. Like a lioness after a good meal. All through this ordeal, I was so infatuated by her that touching myself didn’t cross my mind even once. But since I waited this long, I could wait a little more.

“Uncuff her, Jake. It’s time.”

He immediately pulled the keys out of his trousers, lying on the grass. His cock still dangled in the open as he unlocked the handcuffs. Meanwhile, I took the blindfold from her eyes. Last, I slowly ripped the tape from her mouth while she watched me straight in the eyes.

“You are really beautiful,” was the first thing that came out of her mouth. She slowly approached me. Then she kissed me so fast that I didn’t have time to do anything else except go along with it. At the same time, she cupped my ass with both of her hands.

She was a good kisser. Too good, actually. The world began to spin as we sucked each other's tongues. Her hands squeezed my ass with palpable desire.

I finally broke the kiss. I had to. It was too much of a good thing.

“Stop,” I said to her. “Just stop for a second.” I couldn’t get enough air from excitement.

“I can taste my pussy on your lips. Was my cunt to your liking?”

“Yes, it was. You know it was.”

Something was fishy in this conversation.

“Did you get everything you fantasized about?”

“Wait. How do you know about my fantasy?” I began to turn toward Jake.

“No,” she said, turning my face back to her with her hand. “It can wait. I want something from you, and I think you owe me one.”

“And what’s that?” I had an urge to go to Jake and punch him hard in the face. But it could wait.

“I never saw a woman with such a prominent full ass. I would really love to taste it.” She squeezed my big round ass with all her might, a cheeky smile dancing on her face.

“Will you let me play with it? I can stay. As much as you want me.” Her eyes were full of hope.

Where did this angel come from? I thought. How could anyone resist such an offer?

I almost trembled in anticipation. I still didn’t cum, not even once.

“Fine. How do you want to do it?” It was time for her to take the reigns.

“Just turn your back to me, bend down, and let me handle the rest. We will see where it takes us.”

I knew exactly where it was going to take us.

“All right,” I said, turning my back to her and bending down. “Jake, give me your phone.” She was already pulling down my sweat pants and knickers, kissing my mounds as she went down. My pulse was through the roof.

Jake’s mother answered immediately, as always.

“Hi Nora. Listen, something came up, and we are going to be late to pick up the children. All right?”

I blanked out as Stacey’s tongue reached my asshole and circled all over it, and then expertly found my clit. The next few sentences Nora said were lost in pure bliss. But I managed to come to my senses just long enough to hear the important part.

“Yes, of course you can take them on the boat ride. No problem.” I hoped Stacey’s moaning and slurping couldn’t be heard on the other side of the line. I was also on the verge of cumming. This phone call had to end soon.

“Yes, I’ll call you half an hour before we come for them. Ok. Bye!”

I dropped the phone on the grass and moaned in ecstasy as I pressed her head onto my ass. Her tongue and mouth were magical. My eyes were closed when something touched my mouth. I opened them to see Jakes dick, still sticky from her juices, poking my mouth, demanding attention. I stuck my tongue out and gave him a proper licking before letting him in.

I should have told Jake’s mother that we would be very, very late for the children.

© 2024 Veronica Veer All rights reserved.

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Veronica Veer
The Pub

Obsessed with all kinds of kinky sex. Turning my wildest fantasies into stories. Write me at veronicawritessmut@gmail.com