How to Impress an Asian Woman on Your First Date

Marie Osmeña
The Pub
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2022

Asian women are known to be shy and modest, making it hard for foreigners to communicate with them or even approach them. It can take a while for them to warm up, so you need to be patient.

Now, if you’re dating an Asian woman, here are some pointers to help you make a good first impression:

Respect her culture.

The customs and traditions she grew up with helped make her who she is today. For that, she is eternally grateful. As a woman who takes great pride in her heritage, she would love it if you showed interest in it.

So, ask her to talk about her culture. And watch as her face brightens and eyes sparkle as she talks endlessly about her country and people. Make sure to listen intently, so she’ll know you are serious.

Don’t bring up stereotypes.

“Asian women make good wives.

They are notably known for being responsible and sensible.

They are docile and caring.”

If you don’t want to spark a debate or, worse, offend your Asian date, do not bring up the stereotypes you’ve read about her people online. Instead, get to know her and assess for yourself whether the stereotype applies to her.

Keep in mind that not all Asian women grew up in a traditional sense, especially those who lived in a Western country their whole lives. They’re most likely similar to American women you know, so don’t be quick to assume.

Misconceptions about the Asian culture from a foreigner can come out insulting, and you don’t want to leave a bad impression on your first date, do you?

Get in touch with your romantic side.

Most Asian women are naturally romantic. They love to be shown effort. Grand efforts are all right, but most Asian women appreciate gentleman gestures more–which can be shown through the smallest things. Guaranteed that all of your efforts will not go down the drain and will be highly appreciated.

Treat her normally.

Do not be excessive towards her just because of your cultural differences. Sometimes being overly uptight around her to avoid making mistakes can lead to a negative impression. Regardless of their ethnicity, you should treat your date like a normal person while still acknowledging the boundaries.

Focus more on who she is as a person. Rather than limiting your conversation to her race and ethnicity, compliment her personality. The most common mistake guys make is dwelling too much on their cultural differences.

Be smart

Engage in intelligent conversation, and forgo superficial talks. The worst thing you can do on your first date with an Asian woman is to treat them like they don’t know anything about the world. You will be pleasantly surprised that most Asian women are well-educated, so don’t hold back on intellectual topics.

Asian women are not hard to impress.

They may come off as intimidating at first. But once you’ve got their attention, it’s easy to impress them. When meeting them, detach yourself from the expectations you set on the date and on yourself. Do not force the connection and allow for it to flow freely. Use this guide, and don’t forget to put on extra work to land the girl of your dreams.

