I Stopped Listening to Music for 6 Months. Best Decision Ever.

I do that instead, and I think it changed my life. Why not try? 👉

The Pub


How much time are you wasting listening to music?

In this streaming era, listening to music has never been that easy. Everyone can have access to it: From Spotify to Deezer or even YouTube.

AI Generated

We often criticise TikTok because;

  • It is a waste of time
  • It damages the brain
  • It disrupts our reward system
  • It emphasizes the negative feelings (and contribute to depression)

But in fact, listening to music is provoking the same effects. Yes, it is relaxing. Yes, it makes you dream or imagine yourself in whatever situation. Yes, it can be a source of motivation. As can TikTok.

See the source

When you go from point A to B, connecting our AirPods is now a habit. Putting our headphones in our ears has become a habit.

And of course, walking with something to listen to is less annoying than just walking with our thoughts (even if the second option is definitely better). Let’s not try to avoid progress.



The Pub

I talk about lot of things, but lately, I try to stop and focus only on the most important task and objectives