I Wish You Were Here to Share

These long mellow silences of the night

Obinna Uruakpa
The Pub


Photo by Ankhesenamun on Unsplash

These sleepless nights
have not been that bad
They have given birth
to thoughts that are wild
sometimes solemn
but all together fruitful

I wish you were here
to share
to read through
what they have produced
to ask me to change
some words
to insist I stop
reading out loud
when I wake up
with a husky voice
you call a horrible baritone
caused by all the coffee
and beer in the daytime

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

But I am thankful
you are not here
Loneliness has its gains

I turn and wake up
reach out to find
that empty space
that jolts me awake



Obinna Uruakpa
The Pub

I am your Brother and a Seeker of the Infinite. I came this time among the Igbos. I share the sights, sounds, and scents of my journey in simple stories. .