In Chinese, the Term for Solar Eclipse Is “Rishi”, which Means “The Sun Is Being Eaten”

Ann James
The Pub
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2024


Lucy, about to make her selection for the judge of the March “Deluded Custodians” challenge. Author’s file

Why do people say “pardon my French” then continue to blather away in English?

Where else would an apple fall except “. . .n’t fall far from the tree”?

Who are you? Do you live near Chur, Switzerland? I will be there this sommer and would like to know if You’re a Peein’* medium.coma writers are feral or for real. I will be immersed in Swiss/German/Romansch, drowning in it. If you speak Spanish, Italian, Scots or French that would be easy on me ears.

When can we expect Medium to bust all the ‘writers’ with tapestries to sell?

Have any of the f(r)iendly bots been boosted?

What planet will the B$arios go to once Mars puts up the “No Vacancy” sign?

Photo by Randy Laybourne on Unsplash

Danke to Carlo Zeno and Harold De Gauche for tomorrow’s inspiration today.

En aleman, der Morgen ist ‘morning’; ‘morgen’ ist ‘tomorrow’. Der Morgen is, of course, masculine. The way to remember this is das Mädchen, (chica, girl) ist nueter. The name “Dawn” is a girl’s name. ‘The dawn’ en Deutsch ist die Morgendämmerung, which sounds like…



Ann James
The Pub

Her writing muse lurks in the volcanic hills amidst mustangs, marmots and jackalopes. While hiking with her dogs, Ann stumbles upon stories of dark humor.