Inflation and the Moon Pie Index

Federal Reserve raises rates based on the moon pie index and a little old-fashioned moxie

Scott Younkin
The Pub


Photo by the Author of his humble imaginary abode

(Note: I do not know anything about money and am not giving financial advice. You gotta be cracker crumbs to take any advice from me.)

Welcome to my place there buddy

Jest tromp through the sunflower meadow and come on in. My door is always open to you. Can’t close it and never could!

Don’t trip over a possum. They sleep in the daytime and they are little biters.

Bought this place in 1947 for four hundred bucks and a bushel of gooseberries. Now I want to find me an over 55 place with pickleball courts and hot grandmas. I am 104 but spry as a weasel.

The hedge funds are offering me $25,000 for the place, no inspection no having to get rid of the water snakes. The roof leaks and there are vultures nesting in the outhouse. No plumbing and kerosene lights in the kitchen. Does that city feller still live in the shed? Maybe.

So I was thinking…am I making money on this here proposition or is it all et up by inflation? I do get to keep my still and my pack of yellow cur dogs. They are gonna love my curs at Encore at Fescue Lakes a Senior Residence.



Scott Younkin
The Pub

Interests include health care, photography, eccentric things, dogs. Will he amount to much? Who can say.