Ode To Money

In the land of milk and honey

Robin Klammer
The Pub
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2024


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash Couldn’t resist this pic with our CDN $, eh?!

We, the united poets of M*dium, seek an answer to one question.
Where is the money?!

Inflation blasts through the glass ceiling.
More than ever before,
we are reeling!

The days of winter
so overcast.
A windfall of money would be a blast!

Why do the mere mortals
who dare to bare their souls
continue to get the shaft?
I think it’s rather daft.

So Dear Tony,
as I sit here on my ass so boney,
I plead to you and your crony…

Please stop funding the phony baloney!

Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

Thanks for playing along! I saw the poem by Debdutta Pal, and I was hooked. Great job! It’s been a while since I’ve had an insatiable urge to write a fun, yet sassy, poem. I’ll leave a link to her poem for you.



Robin Klammer
The Pub

Searching for my True North, Strong & Free... ehhhh?! Garden of Neuro sister & Queen of Snark! 👑