On Writing: More or Less?

Patrick Prunty
The Pub
Published in
2 min read1 day ago
Artwork: Brentley Frazer

Of late, I find myself grappling with the desire to expand on the points I want to get across to my readers in an educational and accessible manner with the need to remove redundancy and conform to the mantra: “Less is more.”

They say less is more — but in the writing world, that’s only if you can make more less.

I believe the ability to strike this balance is what distinguishes an average writer from a great one.

For some, the expectation is for a slow, deliberate experience that leaves them having learned something new. For the insidious doom-scrolling-attention-deficit-disordered generation, who want it quick, and want it now, maybe not so much.

And so, that forces us as writers to adapt.

Ever go to a fancy restaurant or watch The Bear? If so, you might remember the one-word mantra repeated by the main character and top chef Carmy to his co-chefs:


A dish from Michelin Star Restaurant Chapter One located in Dublin, Ireland.

Now, my non-expert theory on why restaurants and chefs do this is because they want to provide you with high-quality substance but also leave you wanting.

They do this with every dish they serve, making you wait a considerable time for each, and then, hit you with the dessert.

It’s like edging but with food.

I appreciate the artistry. But I also appreciate triple cheeseburgers, soda refills and spice bags.

The difference is that I don’t feel the same way after eating at a fancy restaurant compared to binging at McDonald’s; it’s neither too little, nor too much. It’s just right.

Hold up… Did you enjoy this article? Learn something new? If so, I’d be grateful if you’d follow me on Medium. Your support encourages me to keep writing and sharing my thoughts. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to connecting with you again soon. With appreciation. Patrick.

Originally published at https://patrickprunty.com.



Patrick Prunty
The Pub
Writer for

Software developer in Artificial Intelligence, YouTube content creator and blogger (duh). Website: https://patrickprunty.com