Smillew!! Julia Found Your Unicorn!!

Ann James
The Pub
Published in
Apr 28, 2024


A photo for Smillew until his floatie can be found. Clues are in the poem. Photo copied from Julia’s post

A photo of it she did take

By the shore of a distant lake

All was flooded in the

Year of the Tiger.

Abuelita say, “no men en la casa. make-a stinky.”

The photo in Julia’s prompt looks like a “Leaning Tree” greeting card. Peculiar Julia has posted daily poetry prompts for the month of April, National Poetry Writing Month. I’m not sure what nation celebrates this. Perhaps Ethiopia?

Find Smillew’s unicorn and win $2 ko-fi.



Ann James
The Pub

Her writing muse lurks in the volcanic hills amidst mustangs, marmots and jackalopes. While hiking with her dogs, Ann stumbles upon stories of dark humor.