Soul Connection| Psychic Seduction| 10 Secrets To Spice It Up.

The Pub
Published in
11 min readAug 29, 2024

It’s common that after you are in a consistent connection with your target — excitement dwindles where you bore each other to death get bored.

If you understand that lack of intrigue and mystery is a sure way to extinguish your astral romance — you can open yourself up and get creative.

In this fun to read post, I give you 10 secrets to spice up your psychic connection with your target.

These secrets are easy.

They need you to open up your creative juices and let the little magician in learn to create things out of thin air.

Trust me they add a lot of intimacy and do lead to a powerful connection.

Without wasting time.

Come with me as take you right around the corners of these “astral bedrooms.”

#1: Develop Psychic Rapport

Imagine you psychically visit your target and fail to sync with their soul.

You are syncing them and start sensing their presence followed by hugs and kisses.

As you keep syncing you now can sense them holding your hand and looking at you.

You look at them they smile and laugh.

You both laugh and hold each other closer.

Psychic rapport can go from this until you reach a stage where you have a full blown connection as if they are right her next to you.

Hence everything they want to experience you just know instantly and serve them as they wish.

Developing rapport with your target is easy when you are not trying to force things.

It happens best when you are in alignment with in your soul where you say:

“I want to psychically connect with them because I enjoy their presence.

When I connect with them I am not even going to try hard to achieve rapport but I am going to learn to connect and let things flow.”

Developing psychic rapport is the same as vibing with someone in the 3rd dimension.

Can you recall one that one ex you used to vibe with?

How did you act around them?

You matched their vibe and they matched yours.

When you were getting to knowing each other you used to take walks or go skiing and got to know each other better.

You became close because you were willing to understand them and vice versa.

Psychic rapport is all about going from someone who is out to serve themselves to being someone who is willing to listen and learn to sync with the other for rapport to occur which leads to a deeper connection.

#2: Introduce Adventure .
This is for experienced practitioners who have their psychic abilities in a better level.

They can create things and can imagine scenarios through the use of their psychic faculties.

If you are still trying to figure out how you can spice up your connection you can take your target to any location globally using the power of your imagination.

One of the mistakes I did when taking someone in an adventure was taking them to some grand adventures which ended up frightening them.

It’s also important to understand the type of adventure that your target is likely to open up.

When they don’t like water you don’t take them on a sea voyage.

Maybe they like camping in a jungle.

Maybe they like bathtubs or taking walks.

You then create your adventure around this leisure.

Nothing too grand.

Infact you don’t want to appear to be trying too hard to please them because they can sense when you are trying too hard.

You take them on this adventure as you do when you take someone in the 3rd dimension.

#3: Learn To Be More Present.

I have this post on being present.

Becoming more present when connecting psychically is the secret because without presence you miss a lot of psychic information and the feel for them becomes flimsy.

Developing presence is easy because you know how it feels to be around someone you love.

You can feel their heartbeat.

You can smell their perfume.

You sure can sense when they feel good or bad etc.

You don’t have to have zen master levels of presence to experience a profound psychic connection however the more you develop this ability the more profusely you connect with your target.

Lasty presence in these in type of connections is a moving target that you have to ride with the waves of the cosmos itself and they get better with time.

#4: Learn Your Unique Soul Language.

Every person who is in any form of journey toward understanding themselves gets to a level where they understand their world through the languages of their soul.

Your soul has a unique language that ends up communicating information to you.

Studying this language is one of the most powerful decisions you can take to develop a far powerful psychic connection.

Letting everything to chance is not a good strategy especially when you are an advancing soul that can decipher psychic information in minute detail without any conscious effort on your part.

There are many examples that I can share that my soul relays to me during any psychic connection.

These are just my soul programming because a soul teaches through symbols that are part of its symbolic vocabulary.

#1: When I decide to connect with my target and I suddenly see them spinning.

#2: I connect with them and see them hanging.

#3: I connect with them and see a snowball culminating

#4: I see a wheel going back and forth

#5: I see rich spices

So on and so forth.

Symbolic language is rich, funny, weird I can write a book about it.

You can read this post to understand this language better.

Did you check it?

If you haven’t yet can you decipher the symbolic languages above?

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠#1: When they are spinning psychically.

When I see someone I am connecting with psychically spinning in most cases, it means their trail of thought is fast and i can’t connect with them easy.

I need to refine my syncing level until we resonate.

Sometimes it just means they are busy or not open to have a connection with me for whatever reason.

#2⁠⁠⁠⁠: When A Target Is Hanging

When I see a target hanging it means they are in an undecided state about me or are going through a lot of emotional confusion.

Psychic hanging is just this:

“I am not sure what is happening.

A lot is happening.

Why do I feel like this guy when I don’t even know what is happening.

I know he likes me and I love him but is this connection even true?

No I can’t think about marriage blah blah.”

It mostly signals a state of indecisiveness or confusion.

#3: Snowball Culminating

Seeing a snowball culminating is always a positive sign of a developing connection that their emotions about us are getting stronger.

#4: I see a wheel going back and forth.

This normal means the target is fully conscious and they are trying to resist the argue to think about me but they do give in and resist only to give and resist which is why the wheel keeps going back and forth.

#5:I See Rich Spices.

When I see these during the mating rituals they normal signal the richness of their sexual excitement and orgasms.

Richer looking spices signal deep soul satisfying orgasm.

Normal looking ones signal a normal sexual excitement or orgasm etc.

Makes sense?

It must make sense!

It is easy to understand symbolic language because they are mostly accompanied with emotions (psychic energy).

You know it’s them reaching back and investing psychically.

They show when they are pulling back.

You know when the psychic connection is growing or stagnating and when it’s weak through this symbolic language accompanied with psychic VIBES.

#5: Play Games.

Again this is for practitioners who are experienced.

You can play any type of game at a soul level.

Do you even believe this?

It’s super easy to play any type of game but to achieve this type of psychic resonance, you must be around the theta brainwaves range.

When you are around this range you can perform any act imaginable at a world class level.

You can jump buildings and slay even the most powerful of monsters hence playing any soul games with your target is easier when they are also advanced psychically.

Let me make an example.

Ballet Dancing…

I don’t know how to dance but when I am psychically connecting with someone who is also advanced we dance like top ballet performers.

We perform all the stances that they perform and they flow effortlessly.

We can play kissing and pillow fighting games plus any type of love making game is easy to pull off.

There is no limitation to any type of game you can play and how you play it solely depends on your level of resonance and how you make things easy for each other by aiming to comfort and exploration in the connection.

This is super fun and double potent!

Try it and share in the comments section.

#6: Develop A full blown Telepathic Conversation.

Telepathy to most advanced practitioners is easy and to some it needs a lot of refining; infact it needs more self attunement and advanced psychic abilities than anything else hence when you want to get better at it you have to access your soul more to develop your psychic abilities to a high level.

Having said that the more you connect telepathically with your target the easier it’s to say:

“Hey bby”

“Hey honey” they respond.

A telepathic conversation is the most authentic form of communication.

If they lie you know.

If they are bored by something that you are saying you just know.

When they are excited you know beyond any doubt.

Everything during a telepathic conversation is easy to decipher suffice to say you both must be advanced souls who can sync and resonate better.

When there is no confusion telepathy becomes effortlessly i.e. you are in resonance.

When there is a lot of confusion transmission of words and “vibes” gets lost in the waves of transmission devices(whatever this means );).

Lastly no telepathic conversation when you feel like shit or have metal problems and can’t even develop a resolute type of reasoning around it.

This is advanced don’t think you can develop it in a day but with time it becomes easy!
#7: Bring Positivity.

You are connecting with your target and they post someone else and you decide you need to vet over

You decide to connect and cry your tears out saying.

“How dare you do this, you son of a bitch blah blah..”

Or you beg them to never leave you because apparently you are suicidal and are going to kill yourself if they don’t call.

Or you zoom their life and say how can you be so wrong about him?


She is not good for you or you end up saying “can’t you see I am special and the best for you.”

You get the picture!

Any form of negativity is weakness in this type of connections.

You can’t connect and spice things up when you bring negativity because negativity brings confusion and confusion begets more confusion until you begin losing your mind literally.

Spicing things is all about being positive and knowing whatever you are going through is leading you to the outcome you are manifesting.

When you accept this, you resist the temptation to bring any type of negativity in your connection.

When you feel like crap, better take a walk or go out have fun, once you feel good, prepare yourself and connect in a happy state of mind.

Bring the sparkle of positivity not negativity!

#8: Call/Video Call Them Psychically.

I can call anyone psychically and when they are fully receptive they answer albeit telepathically, and when it’s someone I have a strong psychic connection with she calls me and I call literally.

I can be busy and get a telepathic message “please call me”.

I call her and we talk.

You can also add any type of emoticon in your calls to make things easy and interesting.

Personally, I can use any emoticon ( heart , hugging, waving etc) to communicate my massages, she receives them and communicates back through them then the conversation flows literally.

Obviously the telepathic call revolves around words and emotions but emoticons make thing flow more effortlessly and they hardly get lost during transmission.

Try it..

It gets easy pretty fast!

A few of these types of calls you know exactly that it’s possible.

You are powerful don’t doubt what you can pull off or what you can do with your psychic abilities.

#9: Playing Out Your Dirty Sexual Side.

I like playing some of the dirtiest sex games to tap into my target’s wild side”.

I can whip her by a small jumbok.

I can handcuff her.

I can strangle her etc.

There is literally no sexual fantasy I cannot pull off when we are resonating better.

I also can bring a lot of eroticism that she can’t get enough of.

I can psychically fuck her brains out and explore the deepest secrets of her sexuality that I know for a fact no man can even begin to explore let alone understand and accept.

I do all of this shit because we have consent and on top of this there are barriers that we don’t cross.

Once you experience a boundary while playing these dirty games you don’t cross it!

Let this be done in a state of love , trust and sexual exploration which is as vast as life itself.

#:10 Create Sex Toys.

A mind of someone can create a wave of information that signals to the receiver what type of stimulation they want.

A practitioner that is intune with their target’s sexuality can know exactly the type of sex toy their target is yearning to experience and creates it instantly.

You can create any type of sex toy your imagination is your only limitation.

The key in all of this is soul resonance and openness to what your target wants to experience and also the self control to respect their boundaries.

I can personally create the biggest of dicks and even the smallest sexual stimulations like tooth picks or just about anything that a target may desire to please deeply.

It’s A Wrap!

A journey of thousand miles begins with one single step.

Along the way you need refreshments to keep you fresh and invigorated.

You need water and faith to know whatever journey you take you are going to reach your destination.

These 10 secrets are a piece of the iceberg about your psychic seduction abilities.

Psychic seduction needs a lot of faith and understanding because it’s not only deep, it’s also about your soul’s evolution.

Every sailor who ends up reaching shore ends up developing skills to work with the raders of his ship in spite of heavy storms that try to take him off course.

These 10 secrets are part of raders to use to sail deep into the mysteries of the cosmos and soul connections.

You must know in any journey abilities can determine life or death, fate or destiny.

These secrets are spices because they make things to be super fun and reveal a lot about who we are , and what is really hidden beyond the bounds of our social programming.

Please try them in moderation.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

Lastly don’t forget that if you liked the post and want to receive more, follow my account and subscribe.




The Pub

A Psychic Seduction practitioner with 12 plus years of experience and a writer that challenges the status quo.