Stepping Out Of The Mass Energy For Healing.

Pretty Lady
The Pub
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2024
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Humanity, in general, today lives in a tangle of negative energies resulting from the feelings and emotions of the masses. These energies act on the lower bodies of human beings, negatively impacting all spheres of our lives, whether in the emotional, health, or financial fields.

The media, with its sensationalism, leads us to believe that we are on the brink of chaos in all aspects, and the more we connect to all of this, the less freedom we have.

The financial crisis declared in my country before the year even began made us believe that this year was one of lack, and in the credit given to it, the lack comes.

In the emotional aspect, we believe people no longer want commitments and that relationships are nothing more than a few moments lived together.

Regarding health, some people do not even verbalize the names of some diseases, with complete certainty of condemnation.

This mass energy makes us experience feelings and emotions that are not ours, leads us to play roles that are not meant to be lived by us, and, ultimately, makes us go through situations that we would not need to live if we did not challenge the limit.

Anyone who wishes to live well must create a vibrational frequency level that will build around them a powerful force field of pure White Light that is impossible to any dissonance.

Approximately a year ago, I started seeing someone who had breast cancer and had hidden her problem from her family for five years. It was the biggest challenge of my life as a psychologist. In the depths of my being, I was sure that everything would be resolved, but at the same time, what we heard around us were positions of doubt and uncertainty always linked to the fact that we had let too much time pass.

The diagnoses received were horrible and given with the utmost coldness. This person who received the diagnosis had in his mind the decision to be cured and always told me that he didn't believe what he was being told, as he would be on his way to being cured.

We started treatment by healing the place where she slept, eliminating the telluric energy that was under her bed that caused her illness. She followed each medical advice diligently.

According to the doctor’s advice, she underwent chromotherapy treatments using the pyramid to eliminate the excessive amount of telluric energy, among others.

Treatment with flower remedies was also extremely important, helping to eliminate all malignant cells from her body.

Clinical treatment continued with all respect and dedication. The chemotherapy sessions were hard and painful, but in each one, she counted down, saying there was little left; the terrible side effects were always seen as a new challenge.

I'm sure the family's support was very important, but to never give in to the energy of the masses, she encouraged everyone by saying, "Not long." When people asked her how the other people she met during treatment were doing, she said she didn't even look at their faces, as they were sick and emotionally shaken. They had certainly entered the energy of the mass, feeling condemned, which made their treatment and recovery extremely difficult.

The treatment continued, and her hair fell out, but her good mood and high spirits never stopped accompanying her. The desire to walk remained the same, even after the chemotherapy sessions. She always said: "I go out so I don’t think or feel sick."

In parallel to the clinical treatment, targeted energy treatments were carried out, and therefore, each doctor she met was astonished at the positive evolution of her case. They said she was completely different and much better than expected.

I know that each stage we experienced and suffered together was not easy, but it is with enormous pride and happiness that we overcame this challenge together. Firstly, because of her unshakable faith and vast connection with the Divine. Furthermore, at no point did she connect with the energy of the mass, which could have knocked her down from the first minute.

Countless people contacted her with advice, recipes, support, and similar stories. To all of them, I thank you, but I thank you with all my heart for one day having discovered this life mission of mine and, through it, being able

to help countless people.



Pretty Lady
The Pub

A love and psychology expert. I love writing, it makes me happy.