“That young builder really knows how to use his jackhammer,” my wife announces from the kitchen door again.
I look up from trying to balance the accounts, to see that an “allure” has descended on her face. I am not fond of other people having an allure. Especially when I am hard at work trying to pay €9,000.00 worth of bills with €6,500.00 worth of money.
It’s been a tough week. I’ve had no time for an ‘allure’!
I look across at my measly tomato crop and think to myself, I could turn that into salsa and make €4,97. So it’s not all doom and gloom. Plus there is the Medium money arriving, which should keep me afloat.
Like the Russian submarine, “Kursk.”
“Can you stop staring at him now,” I ask. She heard none of it. In fairness, I’d shag him if I was that way inclined. He is beautiful.
My wife has three major traits for which I allowed her to marry me:-
- Her incredible taste in men;
- She listens to my crazy schemes. From start to finish; and
- Her incredible taste in men.