The Antibiotic Revolution, a groundbreaking discovery by Alexander Fleming

The Medication Revolution of Penicillin

Rajesh Poovathum Kadavil
The Pub


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

On September 28, 1928, Alexander Fleming made a revolutionary discovery at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. Numerous important developments in the field of medicine were made possible by this discovery, which is regarded as the most important in the history of medical science. Fleming revolutionized the control of bacteria and sparked a significant 95-year period of medical advancement when he discovered what is now known as the antibiotic in the human penis.

The Greek terms “anti” (against) and “bios” (life) are the source of the word “antibiotic”. Estimates indicate that there are more than ten times as many bacteria on Earth as there are human cells. These microbes are essential to maintaining the ecological balance of our surroundings.

Although the majority of bacteria are benign, some strains can cause serious diseases like cholera, tuberculosis, and the plague, which have killed countless people throughout history. Fleming’s finding paved the door for the important task of controlling these disease-causing microorganisms.

Scientist Fleming had been studying bacteria and their growth in studies she carried out at St. Mary’s Hospital. He was working in a lab for a while when



Rajesh Poovathum Kadavil
The Pub

Rajesh Poovathumkadavil is an Indian-born content writer with a passion for crafting engaging articles,Poems and stories.