The Issue With Airlines Inability to Get Your Money Back

Booking early is no longer a good alternative, we need new solutions

Elizabeth C.
The Pub
6 min readJul 14, 2023


Photo by louis magnotti on Unsplash

Most of my dealings with airlines have been nothing but nightmares. Sleepless nights, missed flights, getting blamed for everything bad that happens by their customer service, and whatnot. But despite all this, the worst part, I must say, is not being able to get your money back.

In today’s interconnected world, air travel is part of our lives, offering convenience and speed. However, dealing with airlines can sometimes be a challenging and frustrating experience, from booking tickets to delays and cancellations.

The issue starts with even considering a trip. When I think about all the issues I may face, I get depressed. Because the first step in dealing with airlines begins even before you even book your ticket. Then other headaches like finding the best airline that suits your needs, comparing prices, routes, and the airline’s reputation for customer service. Plus websites and online forums. It all adds up.

All these shenanigans are just to help you make an informed decision. So it can be very devastating when all your efforts go down the drain especially after you spent hours doing your research.

Nothing but Issues when it comes to requesting your money back

While airlines provide convenient transportation for travelers, there are some potential drawbacks or cons associated with dealing with airlines. There is a reason people say to pay attention to the fine print when booking your ticket. Read the terms and conditions carefully, especially regarding cancellation policies, and refund options.

Double-check passport details to avoid any discrepancies. Consider booking directly through the airline’s official website or through a reputable travel agent for a smoother process. It seems like one must become an expert in airline litigation before taking a flight. Because when the time comes up to request a refund, best believe these airlines will cite all sorts of articles to protect themselves and hold you accountable.

I know some may say that these issues do not apply universally to all airlines or travel experiences. Some airlines prioritize customer satisfaction, provide seamless service, and have excellent track records in terms of punctuality and baggage handling. Like I seriously want to know which one airline is this, unless you talking about a private jet.

Let’s review some of these airline issues we may have at some point dealt with:

Flight Delays and Cancellations: due to reasons such as weather conditions, technical issues, or operational problems. These disruptions can inconvenience passengers and result in changes to our travel plans. The worst part is trying to rebook the ticket and having to walk around those huge airports, just to wait for hours in line.

Lost or Delayed Baggage: This can be frustrating for travelers who may have important items in their checked bags or rely on timely delivery of their belongings. Like seriously, never trust these airlines.

Overbooking: To maximize revenue, airlines sometimes oversell seats on flights, resulting in the practice of overbooking. For which they should be sued in my opinion. Like, think about it, like, why are you overbooking in the first place? Like are you hoping for a passenger to miss the flight so you can profit from it?

While airlines typically offer compensation or alternative arrangements, travelers can face the inconvenience of being bumped from their desired flights.

Customer Service Issues: Some of them can be very rude, especially when they hit you with that ‘it’s the best I can do for you, so either take it or leave it. Poor service or unresponsive support is what I experience the most. This can be frustrating for someone who really needs assistance with issues like flight changes, refunds, or complaints.

Security Measures and Procedures: In recent years, increased security measures have been implemented at airports worldwide. While these measures are crucial for safety, they can lead to longer wait times, and more intrusive screening processes, which can be inconvenient.

Lack of Comfort on Some Flights: Depending on the airline and class of service, the level of comfort provided during a flight can vary significantly. Anything from cramped seating, limited legroom, and lack of entertainment options, to expensive food and beverage offerings on certain flights can really make me uncomfortable. Like, why bring that over to the economy area?

Now to add to all that, When is it too soon to book a flight

So I booked a flight a year in advance and the service turned out to be the worst service ever. Now picture paying for VIP service but ending up at some airport security office only being allowed to use the bathroom. Cause that’s exactly what happened to me.

I Contact the seller but they refused any type of compensation. Contact my financial institution, and was told since the payment was made a year ago, there was no way to assist me with getting my money back and that I needed to circle back to the seller. Yes, the seller, the one who hates giving refunds.

None of this made sense to me, I was being blamed for making an early payment. For planning to perfect the trip in advance and since things didn’t go as planned, I was left with all the broken pieces. Cause “It’s me, hi! I’m the problem it’s me”. (quote from Taylor Swift, btw)

So what’s the result of all this? Well, you are left with a horrible trauma and without any chances of getting your money back. Basically, consider it a bad experience and move on, although you lost your job because of it. You get that ‘not my problem’ kinda vibe, that ‘yeah, life sucks sometimes’ when deep inside you know, God, this is all so wrong!

I really got tired of the apologies cause everybody knows customer service doesn’t really care. There’s just that bitter taste in your mouth, promising yourself not to book early trips anymore or get prepared to lose all your investment if it doesn’t go as planned. Like, why even spend all that money?

I do believe they should be exceptions to these rules, yes I paid in advance for a service that was delivered a year after. But how is that a bad thing, cause it is.

Why suing is not the best option

Although I did my research and booked with what I thought was a prestigious European airline for my trip to Europe, turns out it was no better than any other random airline. Suing is just a waste of time in my opinion, for the following reasons:

International Jurisdiction: Airlines operate globally, and flights often cross international borders. Determining the appropriate jurisdiction and applicable laws can be very complicated, especially when multiple countries are involved.

Airline Contracts and Terms of Service: When purchasing an airline ticket, you literally enter into a contract with the airline. These contracts often contain clauses that limit the airline’s liability and restrict you from suing the airline in court.

Regulatory Framework: The airline industry is highly regulated by various national and international authorities, such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States or the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) globally. These regulations may establish limitations, particularly in cases of delays, cancellations, or baggage issues.

There are also international treaties governing liability in international air travel. They set limits on the compensation that can be claimed and may impose restrictions on lawsuits and compensation.

To be able to successfully sue an airline, a passenger must provide sufficient evidence to prove their claim. This burden of proof can be challenging. Plus these well-funded companies may have the capacity to engage in protracted legal battles, thereby dissuading potential claimants.

I will say some travelers have been successful in suing airlines for various reasons, including personal injuries, discrimination, or breaches of contract. In these cases, they are able to fund such litigations. Just consulting with an attorney who specializes in aviation law can be expensive.

