The Start-Up Growth Trick: How Emotional Intelligence Can Help

The role of emotional intelligence for startups: how to boost your business

Dinith Kurukulasooriya
The Pub
3 min readNov 29, 2022


Image by Luisella Planeta LOVE PEACE 💛💙 from Pixabay

Are you wondering if your business is ready to scale up? Have you hit a wall in terms of your growth, and don’t know how to overcome it? One of the biggest factors that hold many businesses back from growing bigger than they are now is the emotional intelligence of their management team.

If you can’t make sure that each one of your employees understands their role in contributing to the company’s growth, then you’re just wasting time and money on training programs that won’t work. Learn how emotional intelligence can help your start-up succeed at every phase of the growth cycle.

#1. What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity for recognizing one’s own and other people’s emotions, distinguishing between different feelings and labeling them appropriately, using emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and managing emotions in oneself as well as others in both positive and negative ways, and adapting to changing emotional situations.

#2. Why Use Emotional Intelligence?

For starters, recognizing your own emotions is key to properly respond during a crisis. This can be done with the help of mood-tracking apps or through self-reflection. It is also important that you recognize the emotions of your customers on social media channels like Facebook or Twitter by reading their comments and posts for cues about what they are feeling so you can react accordingly.

#3. The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence for Startups

The ability to use our emotions and social skills healthily and productively can be the difference between success and failure. Starting your own business can be tough, but having emotional intelligence will give you the tools you need to make it through.

* Having empathy for others is important because it means that you care about them. It also helps other people feel comfortable around you, which is great when you’re trying to form connections with potential customers or partners.

* If something goes wrong, being able to take responsibility for your actions will help keep your head up high so that you can find solutions.

#4. How to Boost Your Business with Emotional Intelligence

Being mindful of one’s own emotions helps people manage frustration and anger, take constructive criticism well, collaborate successfully with others, and be more resilient under pressure. When emotional intelligence skills are mastered by entrepreneurs, it can help them be more effective leaders and make better decisions that have a positive impact on their businesses.

Because emotional intelligence is such an important factor in business success, startups must take steps to ensure they have strong emotional intelligence. These five tips can help you get started on boosting your emotional intelligence.

a) Understand what triggers your emotions.

b) Learn how to control your emotions so they don’t control you.

c) Develop effective communication skills with coworkers and clients.

d) Get into the habit of reflecting on your day with self-awareness questions.

e) Take care of your body physically by eating well and getting plenty of sleep.

There’s no denying that the start-up world is rough. You have to be completely in tune with yourself, your team, and the business if you want to succeed. This is why emotional intelligence (EI) is so important. It’s not just about being aware of what you’re feeling and why; it’s about being able to regulate those feelings and helping others do the same.

Hope you found value in today’s article. If you did, as always don’t forget to give a clap and follow me on medium. be sure to check my other article on The Patience Game: Why Entrepreneurs Need To Peak at the Right Time to gain more insight into entrepreneurship and business.

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Dinith Kurukulasooriya
The Pub

Transformed 1000+entrepreneurs & professionals to seek the success they deserve! CXO Coach I Business Specialist I Trainer I Success Coach I LinkedIn Expert