The Winner of the July “Deluded Custodians” Challenge
⬆️This would be ein wunderbar platz to cool your tootsies if you’ve accidentally stepped on this. ⬇️
We asked our DC gang to come up with a listicle of uses for the board with nails pictured above. As expected, most lists were somewhat — sinister. It’s good to let out your inner demon at times. I picked my favorite item from each list and ran it by a long-time resident of Trin to determine the winner.
Robert Gowty: “In July 2024, the implement became the subject of the Deluded Custodians Writing Challenge. As a result, the mystical powers of the implement were revealed, thus sparking a worldwide pilgrimage to a rather crummy garden shed in the Swiss Alps and a cult-like movement in worship of the implement began.”
Grandma Smillew: “. . . to trap wandering tourists”
Zivah Avraham 👁️: “Swiss children are taught from an early age the night sky is full of holes and these holes are managed by the Swiss.”
Debdutta Pal: “Place it between you and your laptop. And phone. Practice detachment.”