This Why You Fail With Psychic Seduction| Attachment Style.

The Pub
Published in
10 min readSep 5, 2024

We all tend to get used to certain people and start projecting a lot of idealistic perceptions about them.

If emotion is strong, we attach even more.

British psychologist John Bowlby was the first attachment theorist, describing attachment as a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings.”

Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life.

His work suggests that failure to form secure attachments early in life can have a negative impact on how we fall and maintain our romantic affairs later on.

In psychic seduction, your attachment style forms your psychic signature during the courtships, just like the scent of your body.

It either enchants or repells..

In this post, I skim the four attachment styles and show you which one is key if you want to unlock your psychic seduction proficiency.

Without wasting time.

Let’s dive in…

The four styles of attachment.

According to Bowlby,we all default to either of these styles when we fall in love:

Avoidant, and

However, I will focus on two in the post the rest, you can learn more about them here.

I will focus on the secure and anxious attachment styles because both are key when you start connecting as they either color your psychic presence with power or weakness.

Secure Attachment Style.

If you’re highly vibrational while dating people, being able to transmute your high vibration to them, but also don’t mind being alone, then you’re probably secure.

Note, however, that there are some individual differences in how strongly we might identify with each attachment style.

For example, you might be securely attached in most areas but have some anxious or avoidant tendencies in other situations.

That said, most people typically have a predominant attachment style they tend to fall back on in their close relationships or when they are in love with a crush or an ex.

Secure attachment is out of abundance and is aligned with high vibrational states such as love, positivity, compassion, and peacefulness.

Secure attachment out of abundance doesn’t mean not caring. It means taking care of yourself first and offering your high-value energy (high vibrational states) to your target without even trying to possess them.

The closer you are to a secure attachment style, the higher your vibrational states tend to be, the more potent your psychic projectiles become, and the easier you are to align with the target you want and the sharper you penetrate them psychically.

Why Anxious Attachment Style Is Bad In Psychic Seduction.

People who have an anxious attachment style are those who keep pursuing a target who is acting cold, distant or aloof, and is not giving them positive feedback for a long time.

Consider courting someone in this attachment style as if you are out somewhere and meet a person you like, only to fall in love with them and start telling them how much you love them, throwing all needy vibes that end up pushing them away.

In retrospect, anxious attachment beams low vibrational states such as fear, anxiety, sadness, possessiveness, and neediness.

Where you feel like you have to get them now, and when you experience resistance, you become possessive and needy.

Anxious attachment style also beams from low self-esteem, where a practitioner believes they don’t measure up and their target is out of reach in one way or another.

There is no way your psychic projectiles
can ever be powerful if your vibrational states are out of an anxious attachment style.

When your predominant attachment is anxious, your psychic vibe is contaminated with low vibrational states that color your vibration, and when you connect, those are unconsciously transferred.

Most beginners fail because the more they attach, the more their target gets to decipher their energetic impressions.

Anxious attachment is deadly in this practice; it pushes the target away because you do a whole lot of things that end up igniting resistance even if the connection was high vibrational in the first place.

Secure VS Anxious Attachment Styles In Psychic Seduction.

From what I have observed and what we are being taught in our culture is there is one special someone for us, and when we finally meet them, everything will fall into place and everything will be bliss.

When this “special someone” comes our way and we want them hard, a lot of fantasies start clouding your mind.

Or when a relationship we invested in comes to an end, we may tend to believe there is no one else for us.

This mindset ignites a lot of low vibrational states that reek neediness and scarcity.

“She/he is the one and only for me.”

“I will never find someone like them.”

“They are the key to my happiness, blah blah.’’

When you look at these statements, they are all out of scarcity and possessiveness.

I sure don’t think all people who pursue others regularly and desperately think this way, but for a person who has this mindset and persists over a long period of time, from what I’ve seen, it usually beams from this programming.

As much as that can be the case because some people are really made for each other, chances are it’s not.

In fact, when you hold on to this belief, you end up failing to adopt the mindset of letting go and force things, which does one thing.

It sabotages you…

What does all this anxious attachment vs secure attachment have to do with psychic seduction?

What is the difference between a person who connects once a day, for 20-minute daily and still go about their life as if nothing is happening, no matter how great the connection is?

And someone whose life revolves around target?

A person who keeps checking for feedback, stalking the target and going in between hope and despair, abundance and scarcity?


The person who persists like the former doesn’t persist because he’s deeply, ravishingly in love with their target out scarcity; he persists out of love that is free of any attachments because he’s trained himself to adhere to the laws of the cosmos, which only reward those who reek abundance and are willing to let go.

And he is not pursuing his target because apparently she is the only one out there for him.

Rather, he loves humanity at its core and believes everyone he desires has lessons to teach him, not just one person.

Hence he doesn’t force things when things don’t turn out the way he planned.

This leads him to connect out of abundance, and in these high vibrational states,his target mirrors back to him.

His psychic impression(s) are magnetic because they come from a person who is full of vitality which ends up uplifting their target.

While the anxiously attached individual persists in scarcity and negativity they color the connection with a bad vibe, and the target ends up resisting in one way or another.

I was once crushing on a popular girl in my gym.

(Always been a lover of women but a bit more introverted type of person (sigma male), I do things under cover.).

The other day I approached her and we exchanged numbers; everything seemed to be flowing effortlessly until I decided to choose to psychically connect with her.

My decision was good after all, psychic seduction is a superpower that gives me the edge in this competitive sexual market place,right?

But it can also be dangerous if not used wisely, as it happened to me.

I used to psychically connect with this girl too hard, sometimes three hours at a go. I literally became obsessed, anxious, and needy.

As you might have guessed, I sabotaged myself and ignited a lot of resistance that I also fueled when we met in the 3rd dimension because I was already feeling rejected.

This forced me to connect longer out of desperation and scarcity until I lost her for good.

I tried turning the pendulums into my favor in vain.

Later, as I was busy connecting dots, it dawned on me that I was not reaching her in a high vibrational state, which blunted my psychic projectiles and caused them to sense some weak vibes about me (at a soul level).

It bears mentioning that you can get results if you have anxious attachment issues, but you will be limiting your potential if you don’t do shadow work.

You have to deal with your low vibrational energies swirling below the surface of your consciousness and develop a far more secure attachment style.

I could have saved a lot of my time and energy if I knew what I know now.

If you’re currently frustrated with your target and feel desperate, psychic seduction might not help you.

A target can sense when your overall vibration is low during the courtship and resist; this results in them associating your presence with weakness of some sort.

And when you persist ignorantly, you risk consolidating that state in them.

Remember how when you are around someone who is not happy, you suddenly catch their vibe and feel unhappy yourself?

We all love getting in sync with high-vibrational individuals who are happy and not clingy (unless someone is low-vibrational themselves), rather than those eager to be with us who are desperate and needy all the time.

Anxious attachment is a form of suffering; it is not from genuine unconditional love, though many in pursuit of their object of desire call it that and think it is.

All it is… pursuing someone in an anxious attachment state is simply an obsession with some idealized, fantastical version of cooked-up divine union in your head.

Psychic seduction is like a normal courtship except that it is psychic.

Look at it from a similar lens, and you will find it easier to cultivate a powerful presence and, in the process, become too hard to resist.

I see a lot of people approach it without taking such nuances into consideration.

You want your energy to be of “high value” and enchant your target’s soul.

If you have the anxious attachment style, don’t beat yourself up.

Many people who learn psychic seduction (with this attachment style) pass through this stage where everything stops.

They become heavily anxiously attached.

Their work suffers, and for some time their lives come to a halt as they try every trick in the book to attract that person.

It’s one frustrating stage, and be prepared for some confusion and heartache, but gather the valuable lessons it presents about yourself and keep evolving.


A secure attachment style will give you the power to be willing to walk away and meet someone else when you encounter too much resistance.

Contrary to what most beginners and many advanced “practitioners” think you can get everyone you want through this practitioner.

This is partly true, but some people you cannot get for a variety of reasons or the effort and skill required will be too much for many of the beginners.

Even with secure and advanced practitioners like myself, I don’t get everyone I want.

Thinking you can get anyone you want is an ideal that is not easy to achieve if not impossible.

Even though I don’t encourage quitting all the time, sometimes you must be prepared to walk away from a target who does not respond to your advances for too long.

You cannot get every person you want; in fact, you’ll walk away from quite a few.

And that’s fine because, in most cases, it’s a sign that you should be putting that effort into bettering your overall life.

Secure practitioners who persist properly are willing and free to move on when they experience too much resistance because they are not too attached to the outcome.

Parting Shots..

It doesn’t take a long time of courting someone psychically to get them when you understand how to approach every courtship properly.

I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve heard of someone who was anxiously attached and pursued their target for a long time.

I too have had experiences where I overly pursued someone because I was anxious to only fail miserable.

The long-sought psychic courtship that finally becomes real: it doesn’t happen much, especially if you are not advanced.

If your vibrational states are high value and your target is not sexually repressed or does not have much baggage with you or is not in a highly vibrational relationship, it’s not going to take more than two weeks to three months maximum(if you are a beginner) to receive positive feedback, unless big life circumstances are preventing you, such as distance.

Being anxiously attached for longer periods not only confuses you but is futile for you. It wastes your precious time, in addition to everything else.

A time you can use to cultivate your “life.”

You only have a limited time in this mysterious world to do the things you want to do.

If you spend months or years of your life pursuing some other human being who is not opening up to your advances, you might as well spend that time doing some shadow work so you can have a healthy relationship with yourself and those you get to touch.

Time wasted is like wasting your greatest treasure in exchange for something less valuable.

It’s gone, and you got nothing back for it, UNLESS you learn valuable lessons about your soul’s evolution through such experiences.

Don’t waste time, and be aware of your attachment style.

If you sense too much resistance for too long, don’t make things harder than they need to be.

Life’s too short to spend your ticking clock on a target who is not into you even when you have tried to sync and resonate with them.

Spend it on the ones who do — and on finding them if there aren’t any around at the moment.

You’ve got better things to do than being attached to someone who is not responsive.

Here is my free guide about the seven-pillars of psychic seduction.

Willing to work with me? Book a free consultation here to see if we are a good fit.

In retrospect check out the programs on offer: One Month Exclusive Coaching And A 4 Months Holistic Coaching Program.

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The Pub

A Psychic Seduction practitioner with 12 plus years of experience and a writer that challenges the status quo.