Types of Writers You’ll Find on Medium

Fozle rabbi chowdhury✔️
The Pub
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2023


Welcome to the world of Medium writers! From the self-proclaimed gurus to the self-made millionaires, we’ve got it all.

The “I Made $100,000 in One Month on Medium” Writer

Ah, yes. The classic banger. This writer is convinced that they are the hottest thing since sliced bread because they made a quick buck on Medium.

They’ll write articles with titles like “How I Quit My Job and Became a Medium Millionaire” and “10 Secrets to Medium Success That Will Make You Rich.”

Even for some of them its their first post on medium!😎

The “I Write About Writing on Medium” Writer

This type of writers are true Alpha (men/women). They’ll write articles with titles like “How to Write a Killer Medium Article” and “10 Writing Tips to Boost Your Medium Views.”

It’s like a never-ending cycle of Medium writing advice. But hey, we can’t blame them for writing what they know.

The “I’m a Medium Guru and You Should Listen to Me” Writer

This writer is convinced that they have unlocked the secrets to Medium success and will generously share their wisdom with the rest of us plebs.

They’ll write articles with titles like “The Ultimate Guide to Medium Success” and “Why You’re Doing Everything Wrong on Medium.”



Fozle rabbi chowdhury✔️
The Pub

I love IT! that's why most of the time I write about it.