Unlocking Intelligence: Tapping Into Your True Potential

The Pub
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2023
Isaac Newton

What sets geniuses apart from the rest?

Isaac Newton, engrossed in writing Principia Mathematica, often forgot about basic necessities like eating, sleeping, and bathing. Similarly, Michelangelo, while passionately painting, would lose track of time and stay awake for days.

Were they intelligent? No doubt, they were geniuses.

However, intelligence alone doesn’t guarantee success. Many high-intelligence individuals fall short because they fail to fully utilize their potential.

Intelligence, fundamentally, is the natural ability to acquire and apply knowledge. Regardless of your IQ score, the key is to harness and apply your potential, just as these geniuses did.

So, what’s the secret to unlocking your true potential?

Flow-State: Elevating Performance and Focus

Enter the flow-state — a state of heightened performance and intense focus. Artists, scientists, musicians, and athletes often find themselves in this state, creating magic. The greats become great because they immerse themselves completely in their work.

But how do you achieve this state? Allow it by removing the blocks.

Let go of the rigid notions of discipline, struggle, and effort associated with achieving flow. The more you strive for it, paradoxically, the further away it becomes.

Release your expectations about your performance; give yourself the freedom to make mistakes.

By shedding these barriers, you dissolve your ego and anxiety, paving the way to tap into your true potential.

Instead of forcing performance, let it overflow naturally. Rather than striving to increase your intelligence, focus on unlocking the untapped potential that already resides within you.

