Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I won)

A prose poem on caring about Philosophy

A mote of dust
The Pub
3 min readMay 15, 2024


Poster by writer

Dear brother,

You say Philosophy is useless

and a waste of time,

that we’d all be better off

by being pragmatic, real.

Face the real obstacles, march against the tide

— face it all, trudge on, keep grabbing what you can.

Well, that’s a special school of thought —

an aperitif of realism-stoicism

with a dash of Machiavelli.

Good for you.

To have chosen the right approach to your life!

But consider if it won’t be plain wonderful

to be able to partake

in the shared wisdom of immortal believers —

who thought that life was exactly as such

and that you need to do things a certain way

to breezily sail through?

Those, my friend, are the ones

who’ve lived the tale they tell —

for living — is child’s play

should you know the rules of the game.

The idle thinkers — they walk the earth

and taste the taste of life,

for it is an endless smorgasbord

of despair, some delight.

Preaching is for Religion, no Philosopher ever cared

for you to be saintly and golden

for that is not the work of life.

They cared about their ways of life —

ferocious in resolve,

to live the life that was discovered

to be the best life of all.

To each his own, the cardinal rule.

Hence ‘schools' of thoughts…

And schools they are —

for it takes a life’s time

to assimilate, to enact.

Surely, should you attempt to study at these schools —

you’d learn the ways of the masters;

from statesmen, fathers of nations, artists, beggars, warriors —

and find for yourself

a handful of gold chips

from the stack of blessed hay.

Surely, it’d be grand —

to revel in the light

of a brimming arsenal

of good judgement,

grace of character,

gratitude for life —

awe of death.

No one alive, or dead

has any notion

of how you should live your life —

as the equation, exactly like its solve,

is unknown to ones outside.

Only you, who has the key,

to the treasure chest you own

can twist and turn, and try it all

to relish being alive.

A philosopher’s work of life

is exactly that

to live in accord with twists and turns

to test what works and not.

And the less grander thoughts that you have

have all been accounted for —

by many with exacting minds

and wit far sharper than thine.

For fools rush in

where angels fear to tread..

So heed the cautionary tales —

for all of life is edged with strife

with few things kind and well.

Heed the teachings, trace on your life

to find the patterns, and the lies;

remember the Eastern mystic said —

that beautiful swan of grace

picks out only weighted pearls

from the muddy swirling mess.

To brave to live, beyond ‘just to exist'

is a mission worthy of Time —

Fellow travellers, time and beyond

Have dared to veni vidi vici

Why not you? In your kingdom..

Winning the field of life?

The treasure chest awaits, but Time flies.

Photo by writer



A mote of dust
The Pub

I write about the other living things, and my life. Gardener, wildlife watcher.