What a classic!

Fatima Irfan Goraya
The Pub
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2023

After reading Harry Potter, it was finally time to explore new genres. And guess which book I picked: Black Beauty by Anne Sewell. Even after getting several excellent reviews about this book, I was much skeptical about it after reading Robinson Cruise, one of the worst reads for me. Therefore, I decided to read online. Like really, who wants to spend some money on a bad book.

Black Beauty is about a young brave horse and his journey from a young colt to an old grown up. The story perfectly depicts the emotions and feelings of a well fed groomed horse, to an overworked, unfed tiresome one. Black Beauty brims with love, bravery, hatred, innocence, cruelty and what not. The book kept me truly hooked to the end! Anne was able to pack the book with scenes of industrial and wretched Britain, as well as the humble and somber personalities of horses and how they had been crumpled by the maltreatment by the horse owners. The book not only showed the life of Black Beauty, but also of several horses whose life too had been wretched by human folk. Above all, it was good to experience the book with the animal’s perspective rather than any other person’s narrative.

There were too many turning points in the journey of our favourite Black Beauty, and it is not likely that I will remember all the places where the fine horse stayed. But if there is one thing I will remember, it is that this book truly is a fine example of a heart-warming read and a perfect classic! I will definitely recommend it to those who are trying to experience new genres . Overall, I give it an 8.5/10.



Fatima Irfan Goraya
The Pub

I am at that point in my life where I myself can't understand whether I am an extrovert or an introvert.