Introducing Alpha: your investing co-pilot

Public Stories
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2023

Engage in open-ended conversations that provide real-time and historical insights on thousands of stocks, ETFs, crypto, and alternative assets.

Meet Alpha, a new project by Public to enhance your investing experience with artificial intelligence powered by GPT-4. With Alpha, you can save time researching and tracking stocks, ETFs, crypto, and alternative assets by receiving instant answers to your questions through a natural language interface.

We are currently rolling out Alpha to all Public members, providing an additional resource for gaining in-depth insights into your portfolio. If you’re a ChatGPT-4 subscriber, you’ll now be able to access Alpha through the OpenAI plugin network.

What is a natural language interface?

A natural language interface allows people to have human-like interactions with technology using everyday language. However, until very recently, these interfaces could not meaningfully provide users with current, or often accurate, financial information, limiting their potential in researching markets or investments.

Alpha solves this problem by combining a natural language interface with real-time and historical market data from Public. Now, you can have an open-ended conversation with Alpha about almost any asset you care about and receive up-to-date information about its historical performance, risk factors, and many other considerations.

Why is Alpha such a significant milestone?

In the past, if you had a question about a stock, ETF, crypto, alternative asset, or the broader markets, you may have had to sift through mountains of data to find an answer — and that’s if you knew where to begin looking. The research process could be overwhelming, time-consuming, and require a great deal of domain knowledge. But with Alpha, all that changes. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, Alpha streamlines the time and effort needed to make informed investment decisions tailored to your portfolio and objectives.

The natural-language format also allows you to explore different angles and perspectives you may not have considered. For instance, you can ask Alpha, “What are the main arguments for and against buying this asset?” or “What’s the outlook for this company following its most recent earnings call?” These questions might not have readily available answers in a conventional research report, but Alpha can help.

It should be noted that with this advancement in artificial intelligence comes some expected limitations. For example, a natural language interface cannot know your personal circumstances, such as your individual investment goals, your nuanced aversion to risk, or other factors that are specific to you.

How does Alpha work?

Phase 1 of Alpha is rolling out now. In its current iteration, Alpha can assist with many of the common tasks that investors perform daily. This includes evaluating stock performance and outlook, monitoring real-time market activity, comparing top movers of the day, retrieving relevant news articles, and summarizing earnings calls almost immediately after they occur.

Asset-specific analysis

With Alpha, you no longer have to dig through financial data to find answers to your asset-specific questions. Instead, Alpha can instantly provide a wealth of insight and analysis, including a company’s financials, fundamentals, analyst recommendations, news, commentary, and more.

Market screening

Alpha can screen the markets to help you identify top-performing stocks — offering insights into which companies are generating positive returns and outperforming their peers. Conversely, it can help you identify underperforming stocks that may be facing negative market sentiment. However, the data presented can be absent context and does not account for your personal circumstances — results from any natural language interface should not be considered a recommendation, but rather an informational foundation upon which you can perform further research and assess a given investment’s appropriateness for you.

Earnings-call summaries

Listening to earnings calls, or poring over the transcripts, can be an incredibly time-consuming process. However, with Alpha, you can summarize current and historical earnings calls as soon as 2 hours after they air. Although results are not and should not be considered investment research, Alpha can answer specific questions about anything mentioned in the earnings call.

ChatGPT Plugin

If you’re a ChatGPT subscriber, you’ll now be able to access Alpha via the OpenAI plugin network. Once you install the plugin, you can access real-time and historical market data from Public within your open-ended conversations. Simply ask ChatGPT your investment questions to receive a fast and relevant response.

What does the future look like for Alpha?

As Alpha begins to roll out to everyone in the Public community, we’re excited to see how it can inform your research process. And this is just the start of the positive impact Alpha can have on helping you make informed investment decisions. Our team has ambitious plans to further develop and enhance Alpha’s capabilities, with the goal of improving your overall investing experience on Public.




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