Pastoral feminism: A Chinese media approach VS Pure feminism: social media

Yazhe Liu
The Public Ear
Published in
5 min readNov 12, 2019

What is pastoral feminism?

Pastoral feminism. It is an online term, indicating ironic criticism of some Chinese feminists, and those who fail to fully understand or misinterpret Western feminism. And according to my understanding, I do not think pastoral feminism is the real feminism.

What is pure feminism?

Because women firstly should respect their identity of being females, also have independent careers, share the same rights and responsibilities with men and never ask for the extra benefit because of gender. Although pastoral feminists cannot represent all Chinese females. Chinese traditional media denigrates feminism and tries to make Chinese women believe that they need do is to be beautifully and marry rich men.

But thanks to social media, some women realized they are in the trap designed by men, the pure feminism helped pastoral feminism to wake up and fight for women’s right.

What caused the pastoral feminism?

Chinese traditional media empowered the ideal women of men and spread the concept to women, to optimize the benefit of men. Chinese media still is directed by the male-lead society, the women’s right is limited to a little under their ridiculous and foolish argument. Pastoral feminism is the mixed product of men’s ideology and half understanding of feminist. Gradually, some Chinese women are misled by those arguments to believe they only need to be beautiful enough and help men to carry on the family lineage. As a result, society changed in a way that benefits females and stresses men’s pressure. Because men have told them that a woman’s job is carter to male’s physical demand as well as being a worthless attachment of her husband.

Although some of the ‘mind-controlled’ Chinese women wake up and want to achieve personal value, but their job opportunity is limited because their rights are based on the primacy of patrilineal descent and patriarchal authority.

Therefore, some women stopping to fight with ‘authority,’ and enjoying their life which mostly relied on their boyfriends or husbands. In a Chinese social media platform, little red book, some pastoral feminists indulge in comparing with peers and show off the luxury products bought by their boyfriends or husbands. Thus, the rise of consumerist discourse is the second cause of pastoral feminism.

There are some example pictures, which translate into English can be generally understood as the cars or the bags were given by their husbands or boyfriends.

The screenshots from ‘little red book’ , the poster are pastoral feminism

Accordingly, the other females may be negatively affected and desire a life such as pastoral feminists, which lead them only to marry or date with rich men and do not work, counting on raising by men. The identification of women in Chinese society could only be positioned at the intersection of gender and class, which a ‘pure’ female identity transcending socioeconomic conditions did not exist. Through some interviewees with that pastoral feminism, they have revealed a fact that the pleasure obtained from the gifts and the exclusive right did not give them a sense of belonging.

Indeed, consumerist discourse is another cause of pastoral feminism. It constructs a fake life and made the believer of pastoral feminism to yearn for.

Fight with “the society dominated by men” on social media

However, not all Chinese women are willing to be labelled “gold digger” because pure Chinese feminism has independent careers and takes the responsibilities of being a woman while enjoying the rights.

When pastoral feminism is busy to use their gender advantages to obtain economic benefits, pure Chinese feminism committed to break the stereotypes and gain dressing freedom for all Chinese women. Social media enables them to integrate and be brave to wear what they want and shame on those who think women should not have freedom on their wearing.

A few days ago, a famous Chinese actress, Reyizha, was blamed for her wearing, many male users of Weibo commented under the pictures and insulted her, just because what she wears that can show her breasts.

Reyizhe with her controversial wearing
Reyizha with her controversial wearing :

The comments on Weibo and other social media platforms made Chinese feminism angry. To support the dressing freedom of women, they comment under the Weibo account of Reyizha, also use hashtags to publish the images that they are wearing bras for supporting the actress.

The pure feminism as well as the supporter on Weibo

Online feminists utilize social media platforms to convey their message and encourage women to join the community to pursue the liberation of women. It is a good beginning for the pure Chinese feminism community, fight with the inequality society with online communication as well as spread the correct concept of feminism to encourage the independence of women for those misguided pastoral feminism.

The future

Traditional Chinese media and Chinese social media have different functions in forming the concept of feminism, which is actually in contrast to each other, but the social media has improved the spread of the idea of pure feminism. More importantly, Chinese girl is more independent now and gets out of the ‘mind- control’ from male-leaded media through the help of social media. Hence, the future development of Chinese feminism will towards the right direction.

