Online dating for TURE LOVE?

The Public Ear
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2019
Photo: Getty Images

The introduction of technology into the dating world has changed virtually every aspect of dating. Evolving from the time when one had to dispatch a letter and wait for days or weeks before they could receive a response, to the epoch of constant feedback, online dating has redefined the meaning of dating. The rapid advancement of technology and ease of its accessibility has seen millions of people turning to online dating, as many consider it as a faster and convenient way of acquiring acquaintances. As Hance, Blackhart and Dew (2018) put it, more than fifty million people around the world engage in online dating every year. This is to say one in every six people tries online dating at least once every year. According to statistics obtained from Smith and Anderson (2016), this number is slightly lower than the total number of single people in the United States.

However, contrary to the general perception that online dating is only for single people, reports from Wolff (2016) debunk this notion. It indicates that in 2018, about 27 percent of all the people who engaged in online dating were married. Even though the majority of the married ones confessed to being happily married, they indicate that they could not resist the fun that comes with online dating. While on the other hand, others cite that they were in the online dating for a perfect match, or looking for something they could not find in their relationship hoping they could find from online. Another report by Smith and Anderson (2016) find that the stigmatization associated with looking for romance online is fast fading as many people are increasingly embracing the idea of online dating.

Nevertheless, online dating has not been without challenges. In early 2000s during the era of the introduction of personal computers, unscrupulous individuals took advantage of unsuspecting internet users. For example, there were several internet love scams where a group of syndicate scammers would run various fake online dating sites, and obtaining millions of dollars from unsuspecting individuals looking for love online (Bapna et al. 2016). Contrary to the current time where there are several cyber security measures in place to caution internet users from such fraudulent deals, there was no such instrument during those days.

The scam would begin with a scammer purporting to be looking for love online befriending and initiating a relationship with their victims on social media, preferably Facebook (Bapna et al. 2016). The scammer would thereafter declare their undying love and affection for the victim and proclaims that they would like to travel to the victim’s country of residence to bind their relationship and possibly get married. On arrival, the scammer gets arrested, and a member of the syndicate or the scammer himself contacts the victim to send them money for his release, which they promise to refund with interest once freed. Once the money is paid, the scammers disappear. That notwithstanding, online dating has evolved to become the most successful way of finding the perfect matching and even long-term relationship partners. It has relieved the hustle of having to walk miles or days looking for a good matching, and even so, finding one would be out of luck. Currently, a person can easily access a variety of potential options and their contact instantly.

It is undeniable that the dating apps that comes into being in response to the times have brought people new social skills. However, it also has advantages and disadvantages. It also reminds people that even if they have new tools and try new ways to show themselves. They should not forget their original intention of making friends. How to maintain a clear vision without being trapped by prejudice or scam is also a point that cannot be ignored by using dating software.

With the development of time and technology, can dating software keep its necessity? Would people change their current pattern of making friends? Social change is always so rapid that the answer may be revealed soon.

