What’s involved in a development?

Jason L
The Public Ear
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2019

Technology helps human in life things by convenience and intelligence, and the present media industry does so.

Following the new millenium’s development of digital technology, the internet has emerged as a key player in the development of media industries forcing media organisations to turn digital taking their businesses online, introducing the development of new media or ‘social media marketing’. The term ‘social media marketing’ is basically describing how the business in media industry looks like, and brighten up the importance and existence of social media in the development of media industry.

With the users amounts of over one-third of the world’s population on social media platforms, the market of social media is constantly expanding to all corners of the world, and many new platforms are chasing and step in this numerous market of ‘new media’. Reviewing the data of 2018, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are the top suppliers of ‘new media’, and which are having over one million users on their platform. As we witness history repeated, there will likely be more social media platforms to replace them in the future, bringing up industrial competitors between platforms.

Why social media is that popular? It is because the way of public approaches to media is evolving from passive to active, and which means there is a two-way communication on the evolution of ‘new media’, and people can view and respond to others’ statement that post out on social media. WIth high flexibility of accessing information, most users would share their daily life on social media in order to get more attention from friends and family.

Commercially, it is easier for organisations to target the customers, and increase the public awareness of themselves on platforms. Also, the multiple social media platforms presents as the channels of spreading the information as well as the markets of different customers on platforms, instead of having limited channels to spread the information just as how ‘old media’ worked.

What’s about applying the advantages of social media on the business structure? The very first thought will be which social media platform should be used to increase public awareness as well as target the certain customer group. According to the research relating to the types of audience from different social media platforms, it tells that most respondents who are aged between 18–29 are prefered to use Instagram as their daily needs, thus Facebook is capable of different ages of people, no matter if they are aged over 50 or less than 20. For commercial use, LinkedIn will be definitely the best choice for targeting the partnership and sponsorship as LinkedIn is a commercial social-networking platform with the users of professionals in different fields, and more importantly is users can make a business profile to make their approach on attracting customers and organisations.

Based on the diversity of social media, the business can run by individual or organisation, but it relies on which social media platforms using. Have you heard the term of ‘social media influencer’? Who are they? What do they do to make money on social media? Actually, a social media influencer is only user of social media who has a large group of audience and fans on different social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Basically, their job is all about influencing others on social media which based on what they post and share. With their enormous reputation, they can fully functioned the feature of social media marketing, which is aimed at creating and sharing content on social media networks in order to achieve the marketing and branding goals to the public. Moreover, being an online brand ambassador is the most common way that ‘social media influencers’ make their money into the pocket, as they promote the product from organisations to their audience on different social media platforms, and receive the revenue of social media promotion.


The social media influencer on YouTube has another professional name with their career, which is named themselves as ‘YouTuber”. WIth the combination of flexible working time and joyless life, most YouTubers would create the content of blogging or live-gaming and sharing their personal life to the audience. More importantly, how can they make money on just posting video on platforms?

There are few major ways that YouTubers get their revenue. Firstly, advertisement revenue. When we are watching videos from certain YouTubers, there will be always some advertisement before the start of video, and that’s how they get. Every single advertisement on the video will be counted into YouTubers’ pocket, in receiving 55% of revenue

of the posting of advertisement. Secondly, Affiliate Links. It mostly appear on the beauty bloggers on YouTube as they have to promote the product from a company, which is a paid job to the YouTuber. Therefore, the more subscribers on YouTube, the more revenue to earn.

In conclusion, it is common to see a transformation of an industry when the industrial technology couldn’t go with the flow of generation change. From black-and-white printed media to digital media, it is such a big step to welcome the next generation, and brings along with the development. The rise of social media has advantaged and advanced the processing of media industries, as well as efficiency of targeting the audience. The types of business in media industries are changing due to the massive effectiveness and popularity of social media, and even some people can be self-employed as a ‘social media influencer’.

