THE PUBLIC is a civil rights magazine exploring the legal and social underpinnings of justice — or lack thereof — here in America.

Public Rights Project
2 min readJul 15, 2021


TTHE PUBLIC is an online magazine dedicated to exploring the legal and social underpinnings of workers’ rights in America; we’re keenly invested in championing justice vis-a-vis the laws on the books that don’t get enforced.

Here at THE PUBLIC you’ll have a front-row seat at one of the greatest shows on earth — the fight for an equitable workplace — and our relentless pursuit of justice for those defying the law.

We publish everything from explainers on current legal cases and why they matter, to history pieces on the evolution of workers’ rights, photo-essays from the front-lines of labor, and perhaps most importantly, first-hand stories from underserved communities most affected when laws go unenforced.

THE PUBLIC is brought to you by Public Rights Project; we’re a nonprofit working at the radical intersection of community organizing and government enforcement. We’re a collection of activists, attorneys, and organizers working with federal, state, and tribal enforcement to catalyze social change and protect our civil rights.

We believe that together, working people and government can provide an essential counterweight to rising corporate dominance and corruption, offsetting the dangerous dialogue between economic and political power.

While working people have seen significant policy wins across America in the last ten years — from new minimum wage laws and guaranteed sick days to prevention policies for COVID outbreaks — there are still many parts of the country the minimum wage is not a living wage, where people can’t afford to stay home when they are sick, where predatory gig employers misclassify their workforce.

You get the picture.

Whether you’re an artist, attorney, activist, academic, a politician, a human keen on social justice or simply curious about the machinations of America’s labor force, THE PUBLIC is where you’ll be educated, engaged, and galvanized to make work, work.


Launched in 2017, Public Rights Project equips government and communities with the tools and data they need to pursue racial and economic justice.

PRP is the only national organization working at this vital intersection of community organizing and state, local, and tribal government enforcement; we’re refocusing these entities to hold the corrupt accountable, to counter threats to a functioning democracy, and tackling root causes of oppression.



Public Rights Project

Empowering state & local government w/ the talent & resources they need to equitably, proactively enforce their residents’ legal rights. Twitter: @public_rights