2023 Trends: Seek to Peak

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The Pulp


Why more people are turned on by sexual wellness this year by Christen Casey

In today’s world, sex-positive movements have been clearing the stereotypes related to gender, orientation, sexuality, and age opening up sexual wellness to everyone. Movements like adaptive sex are stripping away (pun intended) harmful connotations that many have accepted over the years enabling all of us to access sexual wellness.

The National Coalition for Sexual Health has launched a Guide to Sexual Concerns and Pleasure, promoting a sex life that transcends age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical, or mental ability. This guide also states that the World Health Organization has deemed sexual pleasure a fundamental right. Unfortunately, only 1% of the current $37.2 billion sexual wellness market serves those with health barriers and disabilities, leaving new startups to fill the gap. These startups include accessible sex toy brand like Bump’n and platforms like Blueheart, which is an artificial intelligence sex therapy that is designed to educate people to live authentically while prioritizing their sexual well-being. Additionally, there is a wide range of advancements in women’s health as women are turning to digital tools to regain control and manage their bodies and cycles, welcoming a resurgence of hormonal health.

$80.7 billion estimated value of the sex toy wellness market by 2030.

A new era of exploration, conversation, and acceptance surrounding sexuality has begun in the sexual wellness industry, and we are here embracing it. The continuous advancement of technology, coupled with the increasing awareness of how important it is to take care of our sexual health, while intertwined with our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, has helped lead to an acceptance and awareness of its importance.

With this in mind, we dove into this further in our 2023 Trends Realities Edge report, titling the trend Seek to Peak to help brands future-proof and scenario plan for the evolving definition of health in this new year. This trend is about the global connectivity that has been tearing down taboos and bringing sexual wellness into the mainstream. Through our research, we unveil positive shifts throughout the industry driven by a growing demand for digital education, digital sex therapy, and artificial intelligence services that empower individuals and their communities to take control of their sexual health, even from the palm of their hand and, if so desired, in the privacy of their bedroom. Join us as we explore the different trajectories emerging in sexual wellness and the brands that aren’t losing anyone between the sheets.

Pocket Pleasure

There has been an increase in artificial intimacy, pleasure education, and wearable tech within the self-care realm. The sex toy market, however, has largely overlooked those with health barriers and disabilities, thus creating an opening for new startups like Bump’n and Hot Octopuss. Bump’n is on a mission to shatter the barriers to sexual pleasure by creating sex toys by and for those with disabilities.

Sexpert Apps

Replika users believe their AI companions who, through chatbots bring comfort to those in need of emotional sexual wellness. The Lover app on the other hand is the first sex therapy app granted FDA approval, leaving eighty seven percent (87%) of users reporting improvement post-use. Think personal trainer for your sex life. It is clear that digital resources are uniting consumers across a wide range of needs.

Cycle Syncing

Cycle Syncing is rising in popularity and connecting lifestyles to menstrual cycles with apps like MyFlo and Flo Health, with over 230 million users around the globe tracking their ovulation and periods. Women are also searching for relief in hormonal creams and vitamins, such as FLO, which has experienced 10x year-over-year revenue growth.

Women account for 80 percent of consumer purchasing decisions in the healthcare industry

Consider a Path Forward

Is there an opportunity to show up authentically for your community with a sexual wellness product or service which drives your mission and shared values with your audience? Overall, the Seek to Peak trend is growing rapidly and opening the conversation to more people than ever before. With a wide range of advancements in this space, more digital communities are being created and have the potential to grow larger and more passionate than many real-life audiences. Brands that prioritize niche and underserved audiences in the long run will maintain authentic relevance, especially as consumers are at the intersection between their physical pleasures and digital technology.

Learn more about how to navigate the evolving landscape of health and wellness with future-first strategies and how to apply the trends to your business for your brand by downloading our 2023 Trends: Realities Edge report.

