Find Your Center

Gerri-Michelle Pascual
The Lemonade Stand
Published in
1 min readApr 27, 2017

The other day during my workout, I was not well mentally. I started with cardio trying to run, but my shin splints forced me to stop before I made it worse. I was mad.. mad that I couldn’t run. Just when I start to feel better from another injury, another part of me breaks. It took everything in me to refocus, to not give up and walk out of the gym at that point.

When you feel like giving up, give yourself a minute to sit with your feelings. Take a deep breathe, find your balance, and keep going.

Here are a few core exercises for you to try during your next workout. Your core, your center.. it is the most important part of your body for balance. Everyone says, “I want abs,” but I would like you to erase that six pack image from your mind and focus on strengthening your core first. Baby steps remember? You can’t build abs in a day. One day at a time, we’ll get there together.

