March 14, 2017: Paradise

Ron Gatsby
The Lemonade Stand
Published in
1 min readMar 14, 2017

I need you to feel.

We’ll return to Paradise.

This shit fades away.

— Gatsby

I chose “Two Fish and an Elephant” as my Paradise song because this song immediately frees my mind of all the stressors in the world and all the bad sh*t happening around me. It makes me realize that life can be simple, easy and beautiful if you just take time for yourself and relax. Whenever I hear this song, my mood is immediately lifted and I hope it can do the same for you :) — Braidon Hobzek/Choreographer on his contribution to this week’s Paradise inspired Pulp Playlist.

This week’s Pulp Playlist center’s around the concept of Paradise. A life beyond this one, a goal reached, a place to rest.

