I’ve had an interesting day.

Tammy J Rizzo
The Purple Platypus
2 min readOct 22, 2017

I spent eight hours and about $20 today, getting apps for my phone and my watch, and setting up the apps to work within my needs. There’s still one, an app called Journal It!, that I haven’t finished setting up yet, but I’ll work on that one later on tonight.

I like to buy apps rather than deal with ads, which is why I spent almost $20. I figure the app developers deserve to be compensated for their time, but I really dislike ads interrupting my usage of my phone, so if I even think I’m gonna like an app and want to keep it, and it has a disable the ads option, and it’s less than $10, I’m quite likely to just shell it out and get the pro version.

I used to not be able to do that. Now that I have the option to pay for my apps, though, I’m glad that I can, and I’m willing. And when I’m able, I do.

I got a watch face that I liked, but it isn’t showing up on my watch yet. I have to do some troubleshooting with that app, it seems. I’m real glad that my IT guy, who happens to be my nephew, is home now from Canada!

In breaks from shopping for apps, I managed to finish a few household tasks, which is doing a lot, for me. I’m proud of my little accomplishments; they mean a lot to me. One of my little accomplishments today was that I went out to the mailbox on the curb and brought in the mail. This is now a big deal for me, because I have to use my portable oxygen canister to go out there, and I have to be EXTREMELY careful not to topple over, since nobody in our household can pick up someone else off the ground. We can’t even pick up our own selves! So braving the walkway outside, and the steps to and from the curb, even with a handrail, is a huge task. I remember the days when going to the mailbox was nothing. I miss those days.



Tammy J Rizzo
The Purple Platypus

Part-time Cyborg and oversized hobbit. Writer, reader, fiber spinner.