Why Being the WORST at Follow-Through is Ok

Amber Rose Monaco
The Pursuit of Starting Up
2 min readDec 17, 2015


When I started this 30-day Medium challenge, I had the best of intentions. I was going to write every, single day about the struggles and successes of my first full month as a full-time entrepreneur.

Well, I kind of suck at this project.

I’m not even going to lie. I suck at all things like this. I never do well at challenges, but I always set them for myself. Why? Because I *love* the idea of a challenge. I love the idea of getting in the habit of doing something over and over. I love the feeling I assume I would have if I finished something.

But, I don’t have to do it perfeclty. It’s my challenge, after all. And, if I decide to take a day off or forget or decide that I don’t have anything interesting to say, then fine.

I get to make those decisions.


I’m the boss.

I’m a full-time entrepreneur.

So, ha.

But, I don’t want to be bad at follow-through. I was to be good at it. I want to be the type of person who CRUSHES goals. I want to look back on projects and think of how I was successful just because I completed it like I said I would.

So, there’s only one thing to do.


Even though I’ve missed a few days, I written most of the time. Even though some days were rough, I still think about the challenge. And, no. I’m not going to give up just because I don’t have a perfect record.


Becuase I want this. I want it bad. I have a lot of personal motiviation to make my business work, and that means I have to keep going even when it’s not perfect.

Being the worst at something isn’t terrible.

Quitting when you hit a roadblock….that’s terrible.

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Amber Rose Monaco
The Pursuit of Starting Up

Community Manager at Bridge Space; Aspiring Homesteader | writer and scuba diver