To students from a student…

The Quad Angle
The Quad Angle
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2017
High aspirations…

Dear UoM Student,

It is funny how I’m writing this now, as I make my way out of University, but I have to say this. Don’t make the mistake I did, and let Student life pass you by. Don’t wait till your last year, to finally care about what happens on campus.

In first year I remember not caring about KSU or Student Organisations, writing them off as background noise, only there to organise party’s and occasionally remind the rest of the island that Malta has university students and that they care about something or other. And I still think that it’s a fair assumption to make.

The problem is that you can’t blame them either. We left them to their own devices, and we let them remain that way. Whether it was through ignoring our own faculty organisation to the point that it collapsed, or simply let an organisation desperately in need of volunteers flounder till it had no other option but to latch on to a larger organisation and lose its own identity.

What I’m saying is, be active on campus, whether it’s as an individual pushing your own cause or as a member of something bigger. Shape your experience as well as that of those around you for the better! It can take on a multitude of forms, just don’t do what I did and ignore it, only to sit on a bench with a coffee and complain about how non existent relevant activities for you are. Be the change you want! (and I beg forgiveness for the theft of that cheesy slogan).

At the very least, don’t ignore it. Participating even counts in the smallest forms, such as actually voting at elections, KSU or otherwise, even attend the AGM of the organisations that do represent you. Your Faculty organisations are powerless if you don’t empower them yourself, and until such organisations are given more importance, it’s won’t surprise anyone that Pulse and SDM continue to be the big boys on campus.

The point is, that if you are going to sit on the bench, with your coffee, whilst you skip that compulsory lecture you were going to sleep through anyways, and are going to complain or grumble about how things haven’t changed, at least wait till after you yourself have actually tried to change it.

Till next time,
Enjoy the View….

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This is part of a series of Blog posts which form part of a Synoptic Portfolio Project for a Final Year Communications student at the University of Malta.



The Quad Angle
The Quad Angle

This account was set up to manage the Quad Angle Blog. This is part of a synoptic project for a final year communications student at UoM.