Societies Are Far From History

Alissa Portillo
The Quaker Campus
Published in
4 min readSep 17, 2023
Photo of the Thalian society in front of a green backdrop.
The Thalians are back and better than ever. | Photo Courtesy of WC THE ROCK.

On campus, there are hidden societal organizations that resemble sororities and fraternities. These societies have a rich history that dates back to the 1920s, and they have since continued to flourish, embracing new members each academic year.

Currently, there are ten active societies on campus; nine of the ten societies are single-gendered, whilst the tenth is open to everyone of all gender identities. The women’s societies consist of the Athenians, the Ionians, the Palmers, the Metaphonians, and the Thalians. For men, there are four societies: the Franklins, the Lancers, the Orthogonians, and the William Penns. Lastly, the Sachens are a society on campus open to all gender identities.

The College has described four important pillars that are ingrained within all societies and their members. These four pillars include friendship, scholarship, leadership, and service. All society members embrace sisterhood or brotherhood — which goes beyond the definition of friendship — striving for academic excellence and achievement, and they have many opportunities to embody leadership on campus and within their society. Lastly, they serve their community by offering their volunteer services to encourage others to engage in these activities as well.

If you are a student interested in joining a society but are not sure which society to look into, here is a handy guide to understanding each society’s mission and purpose.

Athenians were founded in 1929. They are a distinguished group of women whose activities emphasize sisterhood, social events, scholarship, and incorporating services for the community. These women engage in a variety of activities on and off campus and share their bond of sisterhood with each other.

Ionians were founded in 1948, and though these women are individually unique, together they are complete. These women pride themselves in their sisterhood, giving back to the community, building their leadership, and promoting individuality. They celebrate their differences and work together as a whole.

Metaphonians was established in 1924. They take pride in their diversity and close sisterhood. They serve the community wholly as they engage in local service projects like working at the AIDS Quilt Display and at the McLaren’s School for underprivileged and abused children. The Mets also started a library in Honduras that is supported each year with car wash money.

Founded in 1921, the Palmers society was the first female society at Whittier College. These women aim to attain the highest ideals of American womanhood by promoting spirited friendship and cooperation, remaining loyal to themselves and others, serving their community, developing an appreciation for themselves and others, and maintaining academic standards.

The Thalians were founded in 1929. They are composed of a large and diverse group of women who embrace sisterhood and an everlasting bond of friendship. Each woman is unique and brings their uniqueness to the society. Their motto is: “Chance made us sisters. Hearts made us friends.”

The earliest fraternal organization on campus, the Franklins, was founded in 1921 with the purpose of creating lifelong friendships by developing their members into well-rounded individuals. They also strive to encourage their members’ self-expression, leadership, and individuality, and embrace a successful brotherhood.

Lancers were established in 1934. These men seek to represent the true spirit of the college by serving their community without rewards, carrying on a social and cultural program, being a helpful hand for new students, and creating and maintaining activities with the best intention for students.

Orthogonians were founded in 1929 by Richard M. Nixon and Dr. Albert Upton. Its societal foundation is the dependency on being true to themselves. The society has produced a variety of leaders, from team captains to student body presidents, city mayors, and more.

The William Penns were established in 1934 and are made up of members with different talents, backgrounds, and personalities. The Penns encourage diversity and believe in strength through diversity. The society provides opportunities for service and for their members’ social and personal growth.

Originally a society founded in 1948 strictly for men, the Sachens opened their membership to women in 1971. This society is made up of a diverse group and emphasizes its members’ individual uniqueness.

There are numerous opportunities given by each society in the Fall for interested students to meet current members, learn more about each organization, and engage in fun activities. It is highly encouraged that all prospective society members attend all events, such as open houses and rush. You can connect with multiple societies if you are still undecided and want to explore your options! At the end of the Fall semester, bids — or invitations — are given out to New Members. If a student receives and accepts a bid from a society, their New Member Education will begin at the start of the Spring semester.

However, in order to be eligible to join a society, students must have completed at least one semester on campus, as well as have a 2.5 Fall Semester and cumulative GPA.

Lastly, students can learn about each society’s future events through Engage, a platform used to post all of the College’s upcoming events. You can also use it to RSVP to these events and save your spot!

If, however, you are interested in joining societal events this semester but do not feel comfortable participating in any activity that was not stated on the event flyer, you can contact the Dean of Students to express your concern. You can visit their office, which is located in Office 142 on the First Floor of the Campus Center (next to the Quaker Campus). You can also call the Dean of Students office via phone at 562.907.4233 or email them at

We wish you the best of luck in your endeavors to become a new member of your desired society this Fall!

Photo Courtesy of WC THE ROCK.

