Sportsfest’s Spectacular Return

Ashley Seger
The Quaker Campus
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2024
Teams cheer on a team member as she dives under the limbo bar
Sportsfest tested Poets’ various capabilities. | Courtesy of Ashley Seger

Get ready Poets! After a five-year hiatus, Sportsfest has returned to the Whittier College campus. On Monday, March 25, students, staff, and faculty packed Club 88 to watch the long-lived tradition begin again. While many current students, including me, had no idea what Sportsfest was, many members of the staff and faculty were elated to be able to participate in the competition again. Started in 1992 by Ken Kelly, Sportsfest is the competition of the ages.

Going into Sportsfest I had absolutely no idea what to expect. After the event was previously postponed, my hopes for the turnout of Sportsfest were pretty low. Safe to say my expectations were exceeded. There were a total of eight teams composed of students, staff, and faculty competing, as well as a healthy section of spectators. Several students admitted they were only at the event because their professors promised them extra credit, but I think it’s safe to say they had a good time nonetheless.

The theme of the event was decades, having decorations from the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s, ‘2000s, and 2010s all around Club 88. There was also a snack table filled with treats from the decades. The event began with host Jessica Purcell-Fitu, Assistant Director for Student-Athlete Success and Compliance, introducing each team, giving them a chance to share their team posters and chants. She explained that each team would be awarded “spirit points” based on how excited and loud they were throughout the competition, causing the room to get even louder.

First up to the stage were the two ‘70s-themed teams, the Boogie Squad, one of two Program Board teams lead by fourth-year Sofia Vega, and the Ballers, a group of female athletes captained by third-year Analise Kusleika. The cheers continued as the ‘80s-themed group, Second Floor Swampers, led by second-year and Harris D second floor Resident Advisor Jasmine Rodriguez, entered with an all-green power team made up. The next two teams, representing the ’90s, were the Staff Rangers and the Senatorial Slayers. The Staff Rangers followed their fearless leader, German Aguilar, to the stage in their matching Power Ranger-themed t-shirts, walking right by Senatorial Slayers captain, second-year Evan Josten, and other ASWC Senate members on the team. The next introduction, the 2000s faculty team, Kinetic Force, made a 2000s dance mashup for their introduction, making the crowd burst into cheers. The introductions were finished with the final two teams representing the 2010s entering the stage. The Dancing Queens, a Program Board team led by fourth-year Alexie Hurtado, and the Cartels, a team composed of both students and faculty led by Dr. Hector Valenzuela, cheered and danced their way to the stage.

After the introductions were finished, director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Francisco Gomez, announced that the ’70s competition, a game of limbo, would be up first. Each team picked a member to compete in the challenge and after several minutes of tough competition there were two teams remaining, the Staff Rangers and The Ballers. The Staff Rangers ended up taking the victory in the first challenge, giving them an early lead.

For the next challenge, Director of Housing and Residential Life, Joe Melendez, introduced the ’80s challenge which was a trivia quiz on the popular movie, Back to the Future. While the teams completed their online quiz, members of the audience were also asked trivia questions, and if answered correctly, could give points to any team of their choice. They tallied the votes from this competition as the games went on, but I had a hunch the Senatorial Slayers would bring home the win.

The ’90s game began with Ana Gutierrez, Director of Alumni Relations, discussing the rules of the popular game, Bop It. Two members of each team gathered in the OSE conference room to compete in the Bop It challenge. Meanwhile, other team members crowded outside cheering, playing music, and supporting their teams. The race for this challenge was a close one, but the Second Floor Swampers took the crown.

Brittney Plascencia , Director of Student Success and Belonging, then discussed the 2000s-themed event–a scavenger hunt. The excitement was building, but the 2000s-themed scavenger hunt definitely got all the teams motivated to win. Volunteers were placed around campus with clues as the teams raced to the finish of the hunt, several of them getting a little lost along the way. While this particular challenge was more difficult to spectate, it was enthralling watching the Second Floor Swampers run back into Club 88 after receiving first place in the challenge.

“Hope y’all had a nice warm up, meet me at the rock!” Jabari Lewis, Director of Wellness and Recreational Sports, yelled to the contestants. Finally, the 2010s challenge, a game of team tug of war and relay races were being set up outside. Before the game began, one member from each team took part in a dance party challenge, which was pretty funny to watch. Each team seemed to have bonded throughout the games, making the energy incredible going into the last challenge. The teams tugged, and raced, but only The Ballers had what it took to win.

Awaiting the final tally, each group took photos and a few victory laps before returning to their seats in Club 88. The “competition like no other” had wiped students and staff out as everyone tried to keep their energy high and gain any last minute spirit points. The closing ceremonies began with the staff members of the planning committee thanking both the ASWC Senate and Program Board for their help, and all the teams for playing. Tension built as Plascencia called for a drum roll to announce the spirit winners. The Kinetic Force’s electric energy earned them the spirit trophy, and as they walked to the stage it was clear that it was deserved. Team members danced and cheered as they claimed their prize. Finally, it was time to announce this year’s Sportsfest champion and, to everyone’s surprise (except mine), the Senatorial Slayers won. ASWC Senate president Duncan Smith jumped up in excitement, congratulating his team members and fellow senators. The team claimed their medals and trophies, elated to have won the competition.

The comeback of Sportsfest was something I think many students were not all that excited for, but after the success of the event I know I personally cannot wait for next year. Students, staff, and faculty alike all came together for some friendly competition to celebrate an exciting Whittier College tradition coming back to life. The Sportsfest committee put in so much time and effort to get the event back up and running, and their hard work definitely paid off. Sportsfest may have started on the wrong foot, but I, for one, am excited for its continuation for years to come.

Photo Courtesy of Ashley Seger / Quaker Campus

