Whittier College’s Advanced Standing MSW program in collaboration with Seton Hall University

Sara Martinez
The Quaker Campus
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2024
A group picture of faculty from Seton Hall University, Whittier College, and graduating seniors earning a BA in Social Work who joined the information session outside of Club 88
Whittier College/Seton Hall University MSW Program/ Photo Courtesy of Professor Stacey Lawson, DSW-C, LCSW

On April 26, the Social Work Department announced in Club 88 that Whittier College will now offer prospective students the opportunity to earn a Masters of Social Work degree. The program will be in collaboration with Seton Hall University, with Seton faculty Dr. Juan Rios and Tanasha Driver leading the information session.

Seton University’s MSW program ranks in the top 50 programs in the US and is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. With a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio, Seton University is able to offer focused learning to students interested in pursuing a career in Social Work. The MSW program offered to Whittier students will give them the opportunity to focus on two specialty areas: Behavioral Health and Forensic Social Work. As Dr. Rios further remarked during the presentation, “A MSW program enables students to dive deeper into work with particular populations or sets of issues. With this program, you can focus on specialties of interest and better understand the scope of the various roles within Social Work.”

Dr. Glen Hong, the Department Chair of the Social Work Department, noted that “interested students would be able to complete both their Bachelors and Masters in Social work in five years (three years for transfer students), and graduates of the program would have the capability to earn six- figure salaries.” The Masters program requires 60 credits and 400 hours of field work, offered in a two- year program, with an Advanced Standing Program option as well, which is 30 credits and can be completed in one full academic year. While the program offered is asynchronous, students will have access to professors from the College. Students also have the option to enroll in the program full-time or part-time. Those applying can expect a notice within 48 hours as the application process also has a quick turnaround.

The program begins this Fall with a summer course starting on August 2- 4, and prospective students who had attended the April 26th information session were delighted to know that they had their application and deposit fee waived. Currently, the program is only for those who are pursuing a BA in Social Work; however, the goal is to later offer a hybrid program for those earning a BA in similar areas of study, such as Child Development and Sociology. Enrolled students who are pursuing a BA in Social work and are interested in the program are encouraged to reach out to both the Social Work Department at Whittier College as well as Dr. Juan Rios from Seton Hall University.

For more information about the program, please contact:

Seton Hall University:



Whittier College:



Photo Courtesy of Professor Stacey Lawson, DSW-C, LCSW

