Whittier’s #1 Snoopy Fan: Nune Papikyan

The Quaker Campus
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2024
A young person wearing a pale sweater with a white shirt, glasses, black purse on their left shoulder, and a blue pass around their neck is standing in the middle of a book shelf. They have pale brown hair with some blonde streaks in the front and have a smile on.
Papikyan is prepared for greatness. | Nune Papikyan / Quaker Campus

If first-year Nune Papikyan saw their current self, they would never believe the amount of fun memories and friends they could soon make in such a short time. With a major in Film, a minor in English, a love for Snoopy, a fear of bees, and extensive experience in the Theater Department, Papikyan — one of the Quaker Campus’ very own photographers — is gearing up to step across the graduation stage.

Born and raised in Montebello before moving to Whittier at the age of seven, Papikyan didn’t know what they wanted to be until elementary school. “I was like, ‘I want to be a director!’ I thought it was so cool to make movies,” Papyikan reflected while relaxing outside The Spot, trying to avoid the high school tours and buzzing bees flying around. “Seeing behind-the-scenes videos, I was like, ‘Oh my god, I want to be there! I want to work there!” Smiling about their childhood, they continue, “Watching films in general, I feel really motivated to create films because I think films are so cool.”

They were notably inspired by Oscar-winning director Wes Andersen and his usage of symmetry in his scenes. Motioning towards their head, Papyikan cheerfully exclaims, “[It] kind of sparks this little thing in my brain that makes me go, ‘Wow! I love films!’” After a brief laugh, Papikyan acknowledges that while they do not practice the art, they also love and appreciate animated films for their music composition and styles. “Anything that makes my brain feel colors!”

And what other school would catch Papikyan’s eye more than Whittier College, with its various film courses and professors willing to lend a helping hand? Although they were accepted into multiple other universities, Papikyan preferred to stay close to home — especially with the COVID-19 pandemic still in effect. With the College offering them an almost full-ride scholarship, they soon took a digital dive in the Fall 2020 semester. Though, they weren’t an official Film major until their third year!

“I came in as a Theater major, and I switched to [Whittier Scholars Program] WSP because there was no Film major at the time,” Papikyan explains with a hint of nostalgia and remembrance of the program.

The first two years at Whittier were what Papikyan describes as “bleh,” due to the COVID-19 lockdown. However, when they reached their third and fourth years, they started integrating themselves into the events and clubs the College offered, especially at the QC, which they describe as a place where they made so many wonderful friends that they never expected to gain. “I really appreciate the QC for that,” before jumping right into explaining how the QC opened their eyes to the life of student journalism, which they also never expected to get into before they were hired. “I’m really glad I joined the QC; it taught me a lot about writing and my own writing as well. I learned that interviews are not easy to write.”

Aside from taking photographs for the QC, Papikyan has written several pieces throughout the year! “I enjoy writing them; I’m just happy I don’t write [for] Sports because I cannot write anything about sports.” Just earlier this month, the Theatre Department brought the musical Catch Me If You Can to the Shannon Center stage, and it was the first time that Papikyan stood in the spotlight. They expressed that being able to transform themselves into a whole different person, especially for a character such as Carol Strong — someone so opposite to who they are — was a new and exciting experience. Papikyan also worked behind-the-scenes of previous plays at Whittier College “I like it; it’s fun, it introduced to me how theater works rather than film. They’re completely separate things.” But if there is anything Papikyan loves more than theater, it is Peanuts. Peanuts is one of Papikyan’s favorite franchises, especially the character of Snoopy, the cute dog companion to Charlie Brown. “I went to draw blood just to get a Snoopy shirt, only to find out I’m anemic and not allowed to donate blood. I was so sad, but,” they whispered in triumph, “they still gave me the shirt!”

One question haunts every senior: “What will you do after you graduate?” Papikyan, however, is not afraid of that question and remains steadfast in their decisions about their future. Rather than going straight to grad school, Papikyan instead plans to gain experience in the film industry through internships. “I’m going to try and weasel my way in, like [Production Assistant] shit!” They know that grad schools want a dazzling portfolio, and that is exactly what Papikyan intends to create and meticulously strengthen through industry experience.

Whatever they do, it’s safe to say that Papikyan will go off and do incredible things in the film industry. Sometime in the near future, someone out there will be watching Papikyan’s work and think to themselves, “I want to work on something like that!” just like Papikyan all those years ago.

Photo Courtesy of Nune Papikyan / Quaker Campus

