A List of Journals for Quantum Science and Technology

Shalini D
The Quantastic Journal
9 min readJul 22, 2024


If you are a beginner and just started to get familiar with the research, but there are a lot of journals related to Quantum domain and unable to figure out the scope of each journal. This list is for you.

I will provide the list of journals and their scope website in this article.

Scope of Journals
Scope of Journals.

Physical Review Letters (PRL)

PRL publishes short, high-quality reports of the most influential developments and transformative ideas in the full arc of fundamental, applied and interdisciplinary physics research. This journal covers sub-fields of physics.

Broad overview of fields in physics
Broad overview of fields in physics.

Below is the subsection covering the topics for Quantum

Quantum subsection in PRL.
Quantum subsection in PRL.

If you need to see the detailed subsections for other fields in physics, this is the link: Physical Review Letters — Guidelines for Section Selection for Physical Review Letters (aps.org)

Physical Review X

Physical Review X (PRX) is an online-only, fully open access journal that places a high value on innovation, quality, and long-term impact in the science it publishes. It seeks to publish a select set of papers from all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics that have the potential to influence current and future research and to have a long-lasting and profound impact in their relevant fields.

Below is the list of topics to be published in Physical Review X (PRX).

Physical Review X — PRX — Subject Areas (aps.org) → This link has an exhaustive list of topics.

Given link is exclusively for PRX Quantum → PRX Quantum — Scope (aps.org)

Physical Review X Life

This journal provides the interface between Physics and Biology. The journal’s scope spans fundamental and applied research across physics, biology, bioengineering, biochemistry, materials science, medicine, computer science, and mathematics. Experimental, theoretical, computational, and data-intensive approaches; including significant advances in methods and instrumentation; and interdisciplinary and emerging areas are encouraged.

The fact is, there is a section for neuroscience and AI in this journal.

PRX Life — About PRX Life (aps.org) → Complete list of topics.

Physical Review A (PRA)

Physical Review A (PRA) publishes important developments in the rapidly evolving areas of atomic, molecular, and optical physics, quantum science, and related fundamental concepts. This journal does publication of research in AMO physics which means Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics and quantum science.

Scope in PRA.
Scope in PRA.

Given link gives the exhaustive list of subtopics → Physical Review A — Guidelines for Section Selection for *Physical Review A* (aps.org)

Physical Review B (PRB)

PRB is the most highly cited journal in condensed matter physics.

PRB scope.
PRB scope.

Given link has the detailed version of PRB scope → Physical Review B — Guidelines for Section Selection for Physical Review B (aps.org)

Physical Review E (PRE)

Physical Review E (PRE) is a broad and interdisciplinary journal focusing on collective phenomena of many-body systems. As the premier journal in the interrelated areas of statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter physics, PRE covers recent developments in complex fluids, polymers, liquid crystals, and granular materials. The journal also includes sections on solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, plasma physics, computational physics, networks, and complex systems.

PRE Scope.
PRE Scope.

Given link has more detailed subsection → Physical Review E — Guidelines for Section Selection for Physical Review E (aps.org)

Physical Review Applied

This journal bridges the gap between engineering and physics. Some topics like nano-technology is used in creating semiconductor spin qubits are of a great use in Quantum hardware. Also, Quantum software side like quantum algorithm comes under this category of journal.

PRApplied Scope.
PRApplied Scope.

Link to PRApplied → Physical Review Applied — About Physical Review Applied (aps.org)

Physical Review Materials (PRM)

This journal mainly focuses on material science research. The journal serves the multidisciplinary community working on the prediction, synthesis, processing, structure, properties, and modeling of a wide range of materials. Now, how does it get connected to Quantum? Because one of the main applications of Quantum is material science. Also, nano-technology concept is again present in this journal.

PRMaterials Scope.
PRMaterials Scope.

More detailed subsection in the link → Physical Review Materials — Guidelines for Section Selection for Physical Review Materials (aps.org)

Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER)

Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER) covers the full array of experimental and theoretical research relating to the teaching and learning of physics and astronomy. PRPER is the only fully open access journal for physics education research.

PRPER Scope.
PRPER Scope.

In case you need to access the website → Physical Review Physics Education Research — About Physical Review Physics Education Research (aps.org)

SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP)

SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP) aims to provide coverage of the most significant work going on in the mathematical and formal aspects of computer science and non-numerical computing. Submissions must be clearly written and make a significant technical contribution. Topics include but are not limited to analysis and design of algorithms, algorithmic game theory, data structures, computational complexity, computational algebra, computational aspects of combinatorics and graph theory, computational biology, computational geometry, computational robotics, the mathematical aspects of programming languages, artificial intelligence, computational learning, databases, information retrieval, cryptography, networks, distributed computing, parallel algorithms, and computer architecture.

Scope of work in SICOMP.
Scope of work in SICOMP.

In case you need to have an idea of this journal → SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP)

Quantum Science and Technology (IOP)

QST is a highly selective journal; submissions must be both essential reading for a particular sub-field and of interest to the broader quantum science and technology community, with the expectation for lasting scientific and technological impact.

IOP Scope.
IOP Scope.

Link to IOP → About Quantum Science and Technology — IOPscience — Publishing Support

IOP Metrics.
IOP Metrics.

Advanced Quantum Technologies (Wiley)

Advanced Quantum Technologies, part of the prestigious Advanced portfolio, is a high-impact quantum science journal publishing theoretical and experimental research in the diverse fields of quantum science, quantum materials, and quantum technologies.

In this journal, physicists, engineers, mathematicians, and materials and computer scientists in academia and industry can come forward to share their fundamental and applied research in quantum science in its broadest sense, including but not limited to quantum optics, quantum computing, and quantum metrology.

Here you go → Advanced Quantum Technologies — Wiley Online Library

Metrics for Advanced Quantum Technologies (Wiley.)
Metrics for Advanced Quantum Technologies (Wiley.)

Quantum Machine Intelligence (Springer)

Quantum Machine Intelligence serves as a leading platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research at the intersection of quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

Home | Quantum Machine Intelligence (springer.com)

Metrics for QML.
Metrics for QML.

Quantum, The open journal for quantum science

Quantum is a non-profit and open access peer-reviewed journal that provides high visibility for quality research on quantum science and related fields. It is an effort by researchers and for researchers to make science more open and publishing more transparent and efficient.

It addresses the growing dissatisfaction in the community with traditional, profit driven, and impact factor focused models of scientific publishing, their disproportionate effect on academics’ careers, and the recent call for immediate open access publishing by the European Council.

Quantum is an online journal that provides a rigorous curating and peer-review service, and publishes high quality research, both theoretical and experimental

About — Quantum (quantum-journal.org)

Nature Physics

Nature Physics publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of physics, pure and applied. The journal content reflects core physics disciplines, but is also open to a broad range of topics whose central theme falls within the bounds of physics.

Aims & Scope | Nature Physics

Nature Materials

Nature Materials is a monthly, multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together cutting-edge research across the entire spectrum of materials science and engineering.

Aims & Scope | Nature Materials

Applied Physics Letters

Applied Physics Letters (APL) features concise, up-to-date reports on significant new findings in applied physics. Emphasizing rapid dissemination of key data and new physical insights, APL offers prompt publication of new experimental and theoretical papers reporting applications of physics phenomena to all branches of science, engineering, and modern technology.

In addition to regular articles, the journal also publishes invited Fast Track, Perspectives, and in-depth Editorials which report on cutting-edge areas in applied physics.

APL — About | Applied Physics Letters | AIP Publishing

Metrics for Applied Physics Letters.
Metrics for Applied Physics Letters.

IEEE Transactions on Applied superconductivity

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity contains articles on the applications of superconductivity and other relevant technology. Electronic applications include analog and digital circuits employing thin films and active devices such as Josephson junctions. Large scale applications include magnets for power applications such as motors and generators, for magnetic resonance, for accelerators, and cable applications such as power transmission.

Superconductors is an important field in Quantum Hardware related field.

IEEE Xplore: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Metrics for IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.
Metrics for IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.

Annals of Physics

Annals of Physics presents original work in all areas of basic theoretic physics research. This journal’s main focus is on theoretical physics research.

Aims and scope — Annals of Physics | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier

Impact Factor for Annals of Physics is 3.0

Nature photonics

Photonics — the scientific study and application of light — has evolved to become a key technology behind many devices found in the modern home, factory and research lab. Today, the field is both a Nobel-prize-winning science and a billion-dollar industry, underpinning applications such as fibre-optic communication, data storage, flat-panel displays and materials processing.

Scope of Nature photonics.
Scope of Nature photonics.

Here is the link to access → Nature Photonics

Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI)

Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI) publishes novel advancements in scientific instrumentation, apparatuses, techniques of experimental measurement, and related mathematical analysis. Its content includes publication of regular articles, review articles, perspectives, and tutorials on instruments and techniques of experimental measurement covering all areas of science, including physics, chemistry, and biology. Special Topics may also be published on new developments or on recently held workshops or conferences in instrumentation.

To check out the topics → RSI — About | Review of Scientific Instruments | AIP Publishing

Review of Scientific Instruments metrics.
Review of Scientific Instruments metrics.

ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing

ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing publishes high-impact, original research papers and selected surveys on topics in quantum computing and quantum information science. The journal targets the quantum computer science community with a focus on the theory and practice of quantum computing including but not limited to: models of quantum computing, quantum algorithms and complexity, quantum computing architecture, principles and methods of fault-tolerant quantum computation, design automation for quantum computing, quantum programming languages and systems, distributed quantum computing, quantum networking, quantum security and privacy, and applications (e.g. in machine learning and AI) of quantum computing.


ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing.
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing.

Metrics for Physical Review Journals

Metrics for Physical Review journals.
Metrics for Physical Review journals.

The link to check out the Impact factor is given in the link→ Physical Review Journals — Journal Metrics (aps.org)

Nature journals Metrics

All nature journals metrics are given in the link → Journal Metrics | Nature Portfolio

Here is an exhaustive list of journals. If I missed something, kindly feel free to comment, I will add that journal here.

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Shalini D
The Quantastic Journal

Hi, I am a quantum researcher @Fractal and Udemy Instructor. Masters in Quantum Technologies from Spain. Published book author. Community Top Voice LinkedIn.