Is Science Produced Today Really Contributing to the Technology of Tomorrow?

If science loses its transparency, it loses its credibility and impact.

Anas Bedraoui
The Quantastic Journal
9 min readJul 25, 2024


Is Science Produced Today Really Contributing to the Technology of Tomorrow? If science loses its transparency, it loses its credibility and impact

In recent years, the scientific community has faced increasing scrutiny regarding the quality and impact of its contributions. A notable instance is the high number of retractions in 2023 due to low-quality papers, as reported by Nature (Van Noorden, 2023). This raises a critical question: is the science produced today genuinely contributing to the technology of tomorrow?

High Retractions in 2023 Due to Low-Quality Papers

The year 2023 saw an alarming increase in retractions of scientific papers, primarily attributed to issues of quality. The rigorous peer-review process, designed to uphold scientific integrity, sometimes fails, allowing flawed research to be published. This undermines public trust in scientific research and diverts resources and attention away from more deserving studies. Major problems contributing to this issue include:

· Pressure to Publish: Scientists, especially those early in their careers, often face immense pressure from universities and principal investigators (PIs) to publish frequently. The emphasis on quantity over quality can lead to the dissemination of poorly conducted studies. This pressure is driven by the academic system’s focus on metrics such as citation counts and h-index, which are often used to evaluate a researcher’s success.

· Publication Bias: Journals tend to favor positive results over negative or inconclusive findings, which can lead to selective reporting and the exaggeration of results. This publication bias can result in a skewed understanding of research findings and contribute to the retraction of papers when the exaggerated results cannot be replicated.

· Inadequate Peer Review: The peer-review process is essential for maintaining the quality of scientific literature. However, it is not infallible. Reviewers may lack the time, expertise, or resources to thoroughly evaluate the methodologies and data presented in submitted papers. This can lead to the approval of studies with significant flaws.

Retraction notices in 2023 have surged past 10,000, largely due to more than 8,000 retractions by Hindawi. The chart shows a significant increase in retractions for both journal articles and conference papers, highlighting a concerning trend in research integrity and the need for stricter quality controls in academic publishing.
Retraction notices in 2023 have surged past 10,000, largely due to more than 8,000 retractions by Hindawi. The chart shows a significant increase in retractions for both journal articles and conference papers, highlighting a concerning trend in research integrity and the need for stricter quality controls in academic publishing.

The scientific community must address these quality control issues to ensure that only robust, reproducible research reaches publication. Solutions include fostering a research culture that values quality over quantity, improving the peer-review process, and encouraging the publication of negative results to provide a more balanced view of scientific inquiry.

This chart from Nature highlights the countries with the highest retraction rates among those with over 100,000 published papers in the past two decades. Saudi Arabia leads with 30.6 retractions per 10,000 papers, followed by Pakistan, Russia, and China. These high retraction rates point to significant issues in research quality and integrity within these countries.
This chart from Nature highlights the countries with the highest retraction rates among those with over 100,000 published papers in the past two decades. Saudi Arabia leads with 30.6 retractions per 10,000 papers, followed by Pakistan, Russia, and China. These high retraction rates point to significant issues in research quality and integrity within these countries.

Time Gap Between Scientific Discoveries and Real-World Applications

Another significant concern is the considerable time lag between scientific discoveries and their real-world applications. While groundbreaking research often garners immediate attention within academic circles, translating these findings into practical technologies can take years, if not decades. This delay is exacerbated by different factors, including technological constraints, regulatory hurdles, limited funding for development, and the need for extensive validation and testing.

A key factor contributing to this delay is the “17-year gap,” a widely recognized average time it takes for scientific discoveries to transition from initial research to clinical practice. This gap is influenced by the intricate processes involved in validating and scaling new technologies, securing necessary regulatory approvals, and integrating these innovations into existing systems and practices. For instance, studies have shown that implementing new health interventions or translating biomedical research into clinical applications often faces prolonged delays due to these extensive and necessary processes (Munro and Savel, 2016; Proctor et al., 2022).

To address these challenges, a concerted effort from scientists, engineers, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and funding agencies is required to streamline the pathway from lab to market. Implementing interdisciplinary collaborations, improving regulatory frameworks, and increasing investment in translational research are crucial steps. For example, national initiatives like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) focus on accelerating the timeline for converting basic science research into clinical products​.

Furthermore, adopting innovative study designs and methodologies in implementation science can help expedite this process. Strategies such as hybrid designs, stepped wedge trials, and mixed methods can provide more robust and timely evidence for the effectiveness and implementation of new interventions​ (Hooper, 2021).

Academia Challenges in Low and Middle-Income Countries

Academia in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) faces unique challenges that significantly hinder their ability to contribute to global scientific progress. Limited funding, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of access to cutting-edge technologies create substantial barriers to high-quality research.

One of the primary challenges is the scarcity of funding for research. In many LMICs, the allocation of financial resources to scientific research is minimal compared to high-income countries. This lack of funding affects every stage of the research process, from initial hypothesis development to data collection and analysis, and ultimately to the dissemination of findings. Limited resources also mean that researchers often work in poorly equipped laboratories without access to the latest technologies and tools, which can severely constrain the scope and quality of their work.

Access to the latest technologies is crucial for conducting high-quality research, yet many researchers in LMICs are deprived of such access. This technological gap not only hampers the ability to conduct advanced experiments but also limits the ability to collaborate on an equal footing with researchers from more developed regions. The disparity in technological access often means that researchers in LMICs must rely on outdated methods and equipment, which can result in less reliable or less innovative outcomes.

Researchers in LMICs often struggle to gain visibility in prestigious international journals. Factors such as language barriers, bias in the peer-review process, and the high costs of publication fees contribute to this marginalization. As a result, important findings from these regions may not receive the attention they deserve, further perpetuating the cycle of underrepresentation and limited impact in the global scientific community.

Addressing these disparities is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and diverse scientific community that can drive innovation on a global scale. International collaborations and partnerships can play a significant role in bridging the gap. Programs that facilitate resource sharing, capacity building, and technology transfer can empower researchers in LMICs to conduct more impactful research. Moreover, initiatives that provide funding and support specifically targeted at researchers in these regions can help level the playing field.

Impact of Scientific Funding and Policy

The impact of funding and policy decisions on scientific research cannot be overstated. Adequate funding is essential for supporting high-quality research, but the allocation of resources is often influenced by political and economic considerations. This can result in imbalances where certain areas of research receive disproportionate attention and resources, while others, potentially of equal importance, are underfunded. For instance, funding bodies may prioritize research that promises immediate economic returns or aligns with current political agendas, potentially sidelining fundamental science that lays the groundwork for future breakthroughs.

Policymakers play a crucial role in shaping the landscape of scientific research. They must prioritize funding for research areas with the potential for significant societal impact, such as health, climate change, and technology. A balanced distribution that supports both fundamental and applied sciences is essential to foster a comprehensive research ecosystem. This involves ensuring that foundational research, which may not have immediate applications but is critical for long-term scientific progress, receives adequate support alongside more immediate, application-oriented projects.

Moreover, policies that promote open access to research can significantly enhance the overall quality and relevance of scientific outputs. Open access ensures that research findings are freely available to the global scientific community and the public, facilitating wider dissemination and engagement. This can accelerate the pace of discovery and innovation, as researchers can build on each other’s work more effectively without the barriers imposed by paywalls.

Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration is another critical policy objective. Complex global challenges, such as those in health and environmental science, often require insights and methods from multiple disciplines. Policies that facilitate interdisciplinary research can lead to more holistic and innovative solutions. Funding agencies and institutions can support this by providing grants specifically designed for collaborative projects that span different fields.

Ethical Considerations and Responsible Research

Ethical considerations in scientific research have profound real-world implications. We must maintain integrity through honesty, transparency, and accountability. However, these ideals are often compromised, undermining public trust and the foundation of scientific inquiry.

When researchers manipulate or misrepresent data, they damage their reputations and erode public trust in science. This practice leads to incorrect conclusions, wasted resources, and potential harm to individuals who rely on these findings for medical treatments, policy decisions, and technological advancements.

Conflicts of interest bias research outcomes. Undisclosed financial or personal interests taint research with hidden agendas, particularly in fields like medicine and environmental science. Biased studies funded by pharmaceutical companies might downplay side effects or exaggerate benefits, endangering public health.

Ethical treatment of research subjects is essential. Historical atrocities like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study remind us of the consequences of ignoring ethical guidelines. Modern research must prioritize informed consent, privacy, and humane treatment to avoid repeating past mistakes. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and ethics committees play crucial roles, but their effectiveness depends on rigorous enforcement and genuine commitment from researchers.

The rise of AI in research brings new ethical challenges. While AI tools enhance data analysis, we must ensure their use is transparent. Undisclosed AI involvement can mislead peers about research nature and reliability. If AI-generated results are not properly vetted, conclusions might be flawed. Transparency ensures accurate assessment of methods and findings.

Authorship in scientific papers should reflect genuine contributions. Honorary authorship undermines research credibility. Each author must understand and be accountable for the paper’s content, ensuring all listed researchers genuinely endorse the findings.

Ethical research practices uphold scientific integrity and credibility. Addressing conflicts of interest, ensuring data integrity, protecting research subjects, and disclosing AI tool usage fosters public trust and benefits society. Meticulous documentation and genuine author involvement enhance transparency and accountability.


The points presented in this article address a critical issue that academia must consider. We pursue science because it is the technology of tomorrow and an inherently enjoyable pursuit. However, the past year has seen an unprecedented number of retractions, driven by different factors that demand our attention. If science loses its transparency, it loses its credibility and impact.

Finding reproducible results has become increasingly challenging, and the quality of articles is declining. Many journals are losing their reputations due to the publication of low-quality and fraudulent research. This erosion of trust undermines the very foundation of scientific progress. We propose several measures to address these issues:

1. Implement Thorough Peer Review: Increase the thoroughness of the peer review process to prevent the rapid publication of low-quality research. This includes providing reviewers with adequate time and resources to assess the validity and reliability of submitted papers thoroughly.

2. Enforce Data Transparency: Mandate that researchers make their data and methodologies openly available. This allows for the verification of results and promotes a culture of transparency and reproducibility.

3. Limit Predatory Publishing: Crack down on predatory journals that prioritize quantity over quality. Encourage researchers to publish in reputable journals that maintain high standards for peer review and publication ethics.

4. Regulate Conflicts of Interest: Strengthen policies requiring full disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest. This transparency helps maintain the objectivity of research and builds trust in the findings.

5. Prioritize Reproducibility: Allocate funding and resources specifically for replication studies. Journals and funding agencies should emphasize the importance of reproducibility as a key criterion for evaluating research proposals and publications.

6. Encourage Ethical Conduct: Provide comprehensive training for researchers on ethical practices, research integrity, and the importance of reproducibility. Emphasize the long-term value of high-quality research over the short-term benefits of rapid publication.

7. Promote Responsible Use of AI: Require researchers to disclose the use of AI tools in their studies transparently. This ensures that the scientific community can accurately assess the methods and validity of the findings, maintaining accountability.

High-quality research takes years to be published because it involves meticulous planning, thorough experiments, data collection and analysis, and rigorous peer review. This extended timeframe ensures that the research is reliable, reproducible, and truly advances our understanding of the world.


Hooper, R., 2021. Key concepts in clinical epidemiology: Stepped wedge trials. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 137, 159–162.

Munro, C.L., Savel, R.H., 2016. Narrowing the 17-Year Research to Practice Gap. American Journal of Critical Care 25, 194–196.

Proctor, E., Ramsey, A.T., Saldana, L., Maddox, T.M., Chambers, D.A., Brownson, R.C., 2022. FAST: A Framework to Assess Speed of Translation of Health Innovations to Practice and Policy. Glob Implement Res Appl 2, 107–119.

Van Noorden, R., 2023. More than 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023 — a new record. Nature 624, 479–481.



Anas Bedraoui
The Quantastic Journal

Youth worker by day, writer by night. PhD candidate, Biomedical Engineer, Ghostwriter. Thank you for supporting my passion!