The Butterfly Effect

How Small Variations in Initial Conditions Lead to Unpredictable, Chaotic Outcomes.

Alishba khan
The Quantastic Journal
5 min read5 days ago


Picture yourself walking through a garden and you come across a group of butterflies resting on flowers. Suddenly, you lightly flap your hand near them and notice how their peaceful state turns into a flurry of activity just from your small gesture. This scenario refers to how small actions can significantly change a complex system. The chaotic behavior of the system relates to the butterfly effect.

The Butterfly Effect.

What is Chaos?

Chaos is a phenomenon in which a small alteration in the system’s initial condition can result in a dramatic shift in the system’s state. The term “butterfly effect” was coined by meteorologist Edward Norton Lorenz, who definitively demonstrated that even small differences in initial conditions in weather models can result in significantly divergent weather patterns. This phenomenon underscores the inherent unpredictability of chaotic systems and their acute sensitivity to initial conditions.

But let us examine it from a Lorenz perspective. The Lorenz system is a set of ordinary differential equations, initially explored by the mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz. It is known for exhibiting chaotic solutions under specific parameter values and initial conditions. The Lorenz attractor refers to the set of chaotic solutions of the Lorenz system. The model is a system of three ordinary differential equations now known as the Lorenz equations:

d𝑥/d𝑡 = 𝜎 (𝑦−𝑥)

d𝑦/d𝑡 = 𝑥 (𝜌−𝑧) − 𝑦

d𝑧/d𝑡 = 𝑥𝑦 − 𝛽𝑧

Its further generalized form in the three-dimensional Lorenz model:

d𝑥/d𝑡 = 𝜎 (𝑦−𝑥)

d𝑦/d𝑡 = 𝑥 (𝜌−𝑧) − 𝑦

d𝑧/d𝑡 = 𝑥𝑦 − 𝑥𝑦1 − 𝛽𝑧

The Lorenz equations describe the behavior of a two-dimensional fluid layer uniformly warmed and cooled from below. In the above-given equations variable x represents the rate of convection, y represents the horizontal temperature variation, and z represents the vertical temperature variation. The constants σ, ρ, and β are system parameters proportional to the Prandtl number, Rayleigh number, and certain physical dimensions of the layer. Now, if you put a set of nearest (means most precise values around the original value) numerical initial values in this model, you will notice that the system never repeats or shows periodicity. Instead, what we observe is a chaotic pattern similar to a butterfly pattern. This is a Lorenz attractor generated after our inputs. Below given is the phase space illustration of the Lorenz attractor.

A sample solution in the Lorenz attractor when ρ = 28, σ = 10, and β = ⁠8/3⁠, credit to Wikipedia

This emphasizes that multiple initial chaotic conditions in phase space evolve unpredictably and never repeat, highlighting the inherent unpredictability of chaotic systems over long periods, despite being completely deterministic. In other words, the chaotic behavior of a system makes the future nondeterministic.

Astonishingly, many phenomena in the natural world are highly sensitive to initial conditions. Weather patterns, population dynamics, Fractals in mathematics, fluid turbulence (described by the Navier-Stokes equations), financial markets, etc.

There is one more system similar to the Lorenz system, known for its sensitive dependence on initial conditions, which mirrors the complexities inherent in the gravitational interactions of multiple celestial bodies. Can be a perfect example of a chaotic system. Just as Lorenz equations demonstrate how slight variations in starting conditions can result in dramatically different trajectories. A small perturbation in initial positions in the n-body problem can lead to vastly different outcomes over time. Let us dive into and understand this system known as the N-body system or N-body problem.

N-Body Problem

Credit — TED-Ed

The two-body problem was first formulated by Isaac Newton with his law of universal gravitation. However, when extending this to three or more bodies, leads to complex and often chaotic dynamics. Unlike the two-body problem, which has an exact analytical solution, the n-body problem (where n > 2) generally does not have a closed-form solution. The n-body problem is a classic issue in celestial mechanics and physics that involves predicting the individual motions of a group of celestial objects interacting with each other gravitationally.

Illustration of what if a third body encounters two body systems.

The best question arises here is that how an n-body system is chaotic. Let us assume that if I change the position distance between Mercury and the Sun what do you think will going to happen? The orbital system of our solar system would drastically vary in given quasi-steady orbital properties (instantaneous position, velocity, and time) of a group of celestial bodies, which predict their interactive forces; consequently, due to this change can’t predict their true orbital motions for all future times. But the real problem is when more than two bodies interact, they form numerous unknown quasi-steady orbital variables likewise the interaction between the Sun, the Earth, and Asteroid. This is because the gravitational interactions between multiple bodies lead to the formation of multiple unknown variables which form highly complex and non-linear equations of motion and can’t be solvable utilizing an analytical approach.

It can’t be solvable at all? No, this is not true it is solvable but due to its complexity, scientists use numerical methods and computer simulations to study n-body systems — techniques like the Runge-Kutta method, symplectic integrators, and various approximations. But again, remember it is approximations because the system we are dealing with is chaotic.

In conclusion, the Lorenz system, and the n-body problem show how small variations in initial conditions lead to unpredictable, chaotic outcomes. The Lorenz attractor, for instance, demonstrates how weather patterns evolve unpredictably. Similarly, the n-body problem in celestial mechanics reveals the chaotic nature of gravitational interactions among multiple bodies. These systems highlight the inherent unpredictability of chaos, challenging our ability to make precise long-term predictions. Isn’t it intriguing, how these minute shifts ripple into profound unpredictability?

“I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
_Sir Isaac Newton_

