Controversial NYC-Dublin Portal Antics ‘Inevitable,’ Says Director — Comeback Promised

NYC-Dublin Portal Company Director: Flashes and Antics ‘Inevitable,’ Comeback on the Horizon

The Obsessed Writer
The Quantified World
3 min readMay 17, 2024


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Imagine walking through the bustling streets of New York City and suddenly being transported to the cobbled lanes of Dublin through a high-tech portal. It sounds like sci-fi, but it was a reality, thanks to the innovative project connecting these two iconic cities. However, the journey wasn’t without its quirks. According to the director of the company behind the NYC-Dublin portal, the unexpected flashes and raunchy antics were “inevitable.” But don’t worry — this isn’t the end.

“We knew there would be surprising moments, but that’s part of the charm. It’s what makes the experience so unique,” the director said, assuring the public.

Excited to hear more? Keep reading to find out what’s next for this groundbreaking initiative and why the creators are more determined than ever to bring the portal back, even better than before.

Gylys emphasized that the incidents of flashes and raunchy antics were, while disheartening, an inevitable part of any public-facing project. “We’re creating an innovative platform for genuine human connection,” he said, “but with any open platform, there’s always a risk of misuse.” He remains optimistic and committed to the project’s core vision: a bridge that spans not just the Atlantic, but also cultures and experiences. The team is determined to learn from these challenges and implement better safeguards and moderation techniques as they move forward.

Despite the current setback, the enthusiasm for The Portal has not waned. In fact, there’s a growing excitement about its future. Gylys revealed plans to extend the portal network to include new locations in Brazil and Ethiopia. “This is just the beginning,” he added, highlighting that these new sites are part of a broader strategy to foster global connectivity and empathy. “Each portal is a step towards our dream of a united planet,” Gylys shared, underscoring the ambitious scope of the project.

The installation in New York City and Dublin captivated both locals and visitors, offering a peephole into the daily lives of people on the other side of the world. Whether it was shared moments of joy, curiosity, or even confusion, the portal created a unique space for spontaneous, authentic interactions. According to the artist, this is precisely the kind of human-centered experience the project was envisioned to create.

The local councils and authorities are also looking forward to the portal’s return. Although the blurring solution didn’t meet the desired standards, there’s a concerted effort to address these concerns while maintaining the integrity of the artistic vision. Discussions are ongoing, and while there’s no exact timeline for the link to be restored, all parties are committed to reopening The Portal soon.


The director of the company behind the controversial NYC-Dublin portal has spoken out about the unexpected flashes and raunchy antics that have taken social media by storm. He candidly addressed the events, describing them as ‘inevitable’ given the portal’s unique premise and public accessibility. Despite the controversies, he assured that these incidents wouldn’t deter the company’s future plans for the portal, committing instead to making necessary adjustments to enhance the experience.

“We anticipated some level of unpredictability, but the public’s creativity exceeded our expectations,” he shared. “It’s a learning experience, and we’re dedicated to refining the platform while maintaining its core excitement.”

  • Commitment to enhancing user experience
  • Future adjustments and improvements planned
  • Determination to maintain the portal’s vibrant nature

In conclusion, while the NYC-Dublin portal has certainly sparked lively debate, its creators are unfazed. They are poised to return with a stronger, more refined version, embracing both the successes and the lessons learned from these initial forays. Stay tuned for what promises to be an even more engaging and polished experience.

