The Future is Square: A Look at the New Samsung Galaxy Watches

Next-Gen Samsung Galaxy Watches: Embracing the Future with a Square Design

Exploring the Square Revolution: Next-Gen Samsung Galaxy Watches

Dr. Jason L. Benskin
The Quantified World
4 min readMar 13, 2024


If you’re a fan of cutting-edge tech, then get ready to have your socks knocked right off! Rumors have started swirling around the digital grapevine that future iterations of the beloved Samsung Galaxy Watches could be sporting a bold new look: they might become square!

“If confirmed, this would be a revolutionary move in an industry dominated by round watch designs, with Samsung leading the charge into a boxier future,” said tech industry expert Mike Delaney.

Much like a tech version of the fashion industry, the digital watch world sees trends come and go. Round-faced smartwatches have long been the go-to design, yet whispers have begun to emerge that Samsung, a powerhouse in this sphere, is potentially gearing up for a drastic change.

Picture this: a smart, sleek Samsung Galaxy watch, but not as you know it. Rather than the familiar round dial, envision a crisp, square face that gives the item a refreshingly new silhouette.

  • Revolutionary design
  • Boosted functionality
  • A fresh perspective within an established market.

If this rumor holds weight, then square-faced Samsung Galaxy Watches might just be the next big thing to watch out for in the tech world. Stay tuned!

Rumor has it that Samsung, in a move to disrupt the circular dominance in smartwatches, is pondering on bringing back the square design for its future Galaxy Watch products. The reported change indicates a reshuffling of aesthetics in Samsung’s smartwatch lineup, taking cues from its legacy devices like the original Galaxy Gear. The Galaxy Gear, you might remember, launched with a square display, charming tech enthusiasts around the globe.

The question now is, will we see the square design make its comeback with the upcoming Galaxy Watch 7 or will it become part of the blueprints for future models? As we wait for concrete confirmation, this uncertainty layers an extra dollop of anticipation to the upcoming Galaxy Watch 7 series launch.

Lessons from the past, as seen with the Galaxy Watch 6, show that Samsung gravitates towards what its user base desires. After a fan backlash, Samsung reintroduced the classic model, proving its commitment to customer feedback. This history suggests that if fans favor a square watch, Samsung might just deliver. Let’s wait and watch.

For now, it seems Samsung may be looking to its Gear Live model for design inspiration for impending Galaxy Watch devices, possibly slated for 2024. So lace up your running shoes, grab your sports band, and get ready because the future of Samsung’s smartwatches could indeed be square.

In examining the horizon of smartwatch design, we can anticipate Samsung possibly exploring a novel approach in bringing back the squarish design, remembrance of their early models like Galaxy Gear, Gear 2, and Gear Live. But hold on tight — it’s still unclear whether this transformation will take off with the next Galaxy Watch 7 or a future iteration. Regardless, one thing is for certain, change is imminent.

Samsung, an early trailblazer in the smartwatch segment, continues to shape the industry, demonstrating innovative thinking and a keen understanding of user preferences. So as we look ahead, be ready for potential refreshing changes to your favorite wrist companion. Stay tuned for what’s next, you won’t want to miss it!

Looking at the evolution of Samsung’s smartwatch design language, it’s not unprecedented for them to make a significant stylistic shift. The square design was once a primary characteristic of their earlier models, namely the Galaxy Gear, Gear 2, and Gear Live. As important pages from history books of technology often tend to make a comeback, the upcoming Galaxy Watch 7 might just yet be swathed in the rich charm of a “square attire”. Alternatively, the shift could be seen in subsequent releases. Let’s keep our eyes peeled for Samsung’s next move in its smartwatch design saga, as it continues to keep up with the dynamic rhythm of user preferences and wrist-tech trends.



Dr. Jason L. Benskin
The Quantified World

⭐ Editor of The Quantitative World & The Innocence File ⭐|Editor, Writer & Author|PhD