About The Quantum Crossroad

In Seeking Out
The Quantum Crossroads
2 min readApr 2, 2024

A Publication at the Crossroads of Faith and Future

Like the desert sands, the world is ever-shifting, and so, too, is how we walk the path of faith. At The Quantum Crossroad, we gather at the wellspring of curiosity, seeking to understand how the developments of the our age might illuminate the ancient wisdom of scripture.

We delve into howartificial intelligence might enhance our understanding of the scriptures and traditions of the church, deepen our prayerful communion, and forge stronger bonds of fellowship.

We acknowledge that not all advancements are without their challenges. We grapple with the ethical considerations of this digital intelligence. Can these tools genuinely bridge the gap between the human and the divine, or do they risk erecting new barriers of our own making? How can we ensure these tools are used righteously within the Church and serve the greater good at large?

Whether you’re a life long Christian or simply curious about the future of faith in a world increasingly shaped by technology, you are welcome here at The Quantum Crossroad. We hope to offer thoughtful reflections, open dialogues, and a welcoming space to explore the possibilities and pitfalls of this era with your fellow seekers on the path.

Join us on this pilgrimage. We will meet you at The Quantum Crossroad.



In Seeking Out
The Quantum Crossroads

Combining faith and creativity (writing, tech and AI), a priest explores themes of addiction, LGBTQ+ identity, and spirituality in a modern context.