The If Only Galaxy

In Seeking Out
The Quantum Crossroads
2 min readDec 20, 2023
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Do you remember that time you said

“I wish there were some other galaxy where things would work out differently.”
“If only…”

The words then etched on your Golden Record

Unfortunately it is a record pressed for uncertainty and not likely.
If only is made to be rocketed out of your atmosphere, for some other life to discover,
far outside your gravitational pull

If only is forever lost in space.

The If Only Galaxy of Elsewhere, its full scientific name, is inaccessible to man and machine

There is no season for its rising. Few eyes have witnessed its setting.
It’s un-viewable by telescope and impossible to study.

We are specks in the great, vast expanses of universal eternity.
Can you pinpoint If Only in the dark stretches of an impossibly endless void?

Who knows what dangers lurk in traveling there-
meteor fields, asteroid belts, black holes, collapsing and exploding balls of star gas?

Why risk your life for If Only.
We know what we know and we’ve discovered what we’ve discovered.
Don’t seek what is millions of light years away.

Facts must be accepted.
Galaxy If Only is as good as not real- anti-matter at best.

We already have a galaxy.
We get to adventure through our own asteroid belts and face exploding red giants.
Our stars are flung across the sky and our own sun rises at each dawn.
Orion is ready for the hunt and Mars prepared for war.

Listen to the vibrations of planetary possibilities.
Name comets that at some time will return.

You have a nebula of possibility at your command.
Isn’t our own Milky Way great enough?

Pressing If Only on a golden record and launching it into orbit is a loss.
Instead make If Only your moon and place it in your orbit.

You won’t need a super telescope to study it.
It’s not so far, and its phases can be seen in the dark night sky.

Friend, our own third rock can contain it all.
Your “If only” is right here.



In Seeking Out
The Quantum Crossroads

Combining faith and creativity (writing, tech and AI), a priest explores themes of addiction, LGBTQ+ identity, and spirituality in a modern context.