The (re)harrowing of Hell

In Seeking Out
The Quantum Crossroads
Oct 28, 2023

The (re)harrowing of hell

In the pit (the place)

Where the inferno of humanity’s pain burns white (purified)

The Light
Descends Behind Shadows

it burns.

for lost Souls’


Not with balances weighted and measured by shame

Nor condemnation and sentencing’s

Guilty Purpose (Freedom)

But the Weightlessness of Choosing — loosing grip

And your Life’s Election won by Grace.

Your cell is Open. your lie,


(Your) (Brother’s) blood crying from the Ground of all Being

Find New Flesh Again

And Go to Life’s (in)side to find

The Place.

The “Harrowing of Hell” is a Christian belief that Christ, after the crucifixion, descended into the realm of the dead. There, he proclaimed victory over death, liberating the souls of the Dead. This event symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and is cherished in some Christian traditions.



In Seeking Out
The Quantum Crossroads

Combining faith and creativity (writing, tech and AI), a priest explores themes of addiction, LGBTQ+ identity, and spirituality in a modern context.