April Community Nomination Award

Adam Koltun
The Quantum Resistant Ledger
2 min readMay 8, 2019

As we noted in our most recent “Last Week in QRL” blog, we had not yet received a statement from this month’s award recipient, so we held off on announcing them in our usual manner. Now, without further ado…

We are pleased to announce that this month’s QRL Community Nomination Award goes to GitHub user IMac318 (reddit handle: Definitely_Not_IMac)! Here’s what IMac318 had to tell us about themselves and their relationship to the QRL:

I was someone who got into crypto during the December 2017 hype, because the idea of a trust-less, decentralized financial system seemed like a fascinating and revolutionary idea. Of course, a blockchain’s usefulness is entirely reliant on its security, and while Bitcoin and others seemed virtually impenetrable from classical computing attacks, my background in physics made me wonder how it would stand up to quantum computing attacks.

It didn’t take very much research to see that nearly all blockchains were vulnerable to quantum computers, but very few people in the space seemed to be aware of this. I figured that any crypto that was serious about being a long-term store of value should be taking this threat seriously, and QRL was the only team that was. Since joining the community, I’ve continued to see future-oriented decisions from the project’s leadership, and it has been exciting to see the progress that has been made in QRL ecosystem. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this project!

IMac318 has been a positive member of the QRL community for some time now, and is also the author of QIP-007: Support Tokenization of Securities. As always, we highly encourage anyone with interest to check out how to submit a QIP. It remains one of the most direct ways to contribute to the QRL ecosystem, as well as the most direct way to make your desires regarding the continued development of QRL known.

