Last Week in QRL 10/29–11/4

Adam Koltun
The Quantum Resistant Ledger
2 min readNov 4, 2019

Development Updates, QRL on SwapSpace, QRL Community Nomination Update


Last week marked the end of October and the beginning of November. Halloween has come and gone. At QRL, we have continued to work towards providing our users with more reasonable liquidity options. Additionally, we have been continuing to develop, iterate and progress our own internal projects. We have had some inquiries into our golang developer and UI/UX developer positions, and some initial interest expressed in our research grants. We will hopefully have more news on that shortly, but for now, the best of the rest is below.

We have spent the week in part playing with multi-signature wallets on devnet, which we still hope to bring to testnet in a reasonable timeframe. It is worth reiterating that multisignature wallet functionality will allow for more varied uses for our wallet, and will help provide a bedrock of functionality for later second-layer application development.


QRL On SwapSpace

QRL has been added to SwapSpace! SwapSpace describes itself as, “a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator that will save you time.” As you can see in the above screenshot, using SwapSpace is easy; pick the digital asset to send in, pick what to receive, then enter in the address where you want to receive your funds. SwapSpace also has a handy “How To” article if you are unsure, as well as an FAQ.

Community Nomination Update

We will have the October QRL Community Nomination Update in a separate blog later this week.

