Setting The Stage For Mainnet

Adam Koltun
The Quantum Resistant Ledger
6 min readMar 9, 2018

TL;DR — We have a new website that is soon to launch, mining pool integration has progressed to completion, we are currently undertaking internal code review, we are placing an open call for Token Migration Testers, we have been added to our first Chinese language exchange —, and we are gauging interest for a supporter meet up during APAC Blockchain 2018.

After our last update blog, we thought things would be calming down, not ramping up. However, there are never dull days in crypto, and the past two weeks have been no exception. With exciting developments both inside our project and across the wider ecosystem, we are happy to report that we are on track for a Q1 launch! This is the result of countless long nights, seemingly endless work, and a commitment to doing things the right way.

Our New Website

Following up on the new brand experience from our last blog, we are happy to announce that our new website, featuring not just a new aesthetic, but also a re-shuffle on layout, is almost complete! We can confirm that it will not only be launched before the release of mainnet, but that it will be released before we attend APAC Blockchain 2018 in Melbourne, Australia on the 13th of March.

Top of website
Bottom of website

Mining Pool Integration

We are happy to announce that work has been completed on our mining pool integration tests. If you run or are a part of a pool that has the capability to mine Monero, then you/the pool should be able to mine our chain as well. Our documentation continues to be built out with the help of our new team member James (Discord user /u/fr1t2), and we are pleased with the rate of progress in producing comprehensive documentation.

Internal Code Review

In advance of our final code freeze, we are conducting an internal code review. This will be our first step towards ensuring our codebase is rock solid and without vulnerability. We will utilise all of the assembled expertise of our team, as well as our advisors and consultants in this endeavour. While this is not a replacement for an external audit, we do feel that it is a necessary and responsible element to any comprehensive security review.

Our internal code review also compliments the more general internal security review we are currently in the process of conducting. After all, it would be a cruel irony to take so many steps to make sure our codebase is secure, only to have a serious compromisation of the project come from the fact that a team member has “Password123” securing a key element (so far in our review, no team member has used the password “Password123” we are happy to report).

Not exactly how it works

Open Call for QRL **TEST** Migration Testers

In our last blog, we talked about how our Token migration system had been internally tested and reviewed, as well as how simple the process really was. To refresh your memory, here are the three easy steps:

  • Step 1. Make Your QRL Wallet and QRL Address (from our webwallet, your Ledger, or your node)
  • Step 2 . Go to The QRL Token Migration Page and put in your fresh, backed up QRL address
  • Step 3 . Get your Ethereum Burn Address to send QRL ERC20 to

Anytime you send QRL ERC20 to the reusable Ethereum Burn Address, QRL Coins are deposited 1:1 into your QRL Wallet.

We are now ready to enter the penultimate stage of our Token migration — the public tester stage. We are placing an open call for Token migration testers to join our new Discord channel, #migration-tester, where we will walk testers through the token migration process, and figure out if there are any small kinks in our directions that we have not yet ironed out. If you’re interested just contact any of our Moderators and they’ll add you to the private #migration-tester channel. NOTE: THIS TEST IS JUST A TEST. NO REAL QUANTA WILL BE BURNED OR TRANSFERRED DURING THIS TEST. THIS IS FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY.

External Security Audit

Since we first announced that we would be soliciting an external security audit for our codebase, the identity of what firm would be handling our audit has been a matter of semi-frequent debate within our community. We’ve evaluated many different candidates, and are in the final rounds of ultimately selecting a firm that we are confident will possess the requisite skills, as well as the ability to work in a timely manner.

We recognize that this is an added security step that many-if-not-most other cryptocurrency projects do not elect to undergo. We feel that the awesome responsibility placed within us of safeguarding the value that has been stored in our blockchain is something we must always be cognizant of, and we try to take every reasonable step to ensure that the security of our blockchain is not compromised.

QRL on iQuant

At QRL we are constantly striving to expand our token ecosystem in a sustainable way. We want people all over the world to have the option to trade QRL on an exchange that is local to their region, hopefully in their native language. Currently, QRL is tradable on Bittrex, CoinExchange and Liqui in English, and on Upbit in Korean.

Announcement tweet from IQT

In iQuantChain, who operate the exchange websites (Chinese language) and (English language), QRL has access to its first exchange based in China. With the ability to create an account on 5iquant both within mainland China as well as abroad, we are excited that users will now have another option, in another language, to buy/sell/trade QRL. Deposits & Withdrawals are already live, with trading going live on March 9 at 2:00 UTC.

We hope to add more exchanges, in more regions, through the rest of the year. As always, we appreciate our community’s patience in this matter as we cannot discuss ongoing discussions with exchanges before they reach an actionable level.

Supporter meetup at APAC Blockchain 2018

Over the past few weeks, we have heard from some community members about the desire to have a supporter meetup in Melbourne during APAC Blockchain 2018. We think that this is a great idea, and are looking to gauge interest. We have created a reddit post on our subreddit where we will be gauging the community’s interest. Assuming there are a sufficient number of interested parties, we would be happy to host a get together at a local pub near the event venue. From what we understand, the part of Melbourne where APAC is located is both beautiful and proximate to the river, so it should provide an excellent backdrop to an evening of informal interaction and QRL discussion.

To review, our APAC delegation will consist of Adam, our Marketing Manager, Scott, our Full Stack Developer, and Juan, our Lead Architect. Joining us at the supporter meetup (should it occur) will be Luke, our Graphic Designer and local Melbourne resident. If you are going to be at APAC, feel free to check out the panel on Day 1 that Adam will be sitting on, “What are the major technical challenges still facing blockchain technologies?” — it should hopefully prove both interesting and informative.

When our main network launches, the show truly begins. Everything that has occurred up to this point has been preamble. We thank you for your understanding and patience, and cannot wait until the curtain rises.

